Interlude: No Song Lasts Forever

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So oh no, play it slow
Turn them lights down real low
Tap your fingers, slide your toes
No song lasts forever

Play it Slow – Lang Delancey


March 28, 2893, 22:17; The Last City, Earth

Tevis was back late from patrol. There was no one reason in particular why. The Cabal had been stubborn, his Sparrow had sand in the antigrav system, and Mars wasn't in the best of orbits compared to Earth. He also had no reason to rush. Cayde was still off at the Reef. Azra wouldn't be back yet.

The Tower was never quiet, per se, but the evening had brought a lull in foot traffic and a marginal amount of peace to the usually chaotic concourse. The air was balmy and sweet with Autumn's last golden hours. Winter's snows would hold off for just a bit longer. Stars twinkled dimly in the washed-out bits of sky visible around the Traveler. Tevis kept his knees and ankles loose as he ambled along the well-worn path towards the Hall of Guardians. He reached for the ever-present Void in his mind and drank in the atmosphere. It was... nice.

He was far from the only one on the concourse. A trio of Warlocks stood discussing something quietly by the railing. A single Guardian here or there strolled through. No doubt come morning this place would be filled with Guardians sprinting to and fro, Cryptarchs debating the nature of Ether (or whatever the popular topic was this week), and the general civilian bustle that the Tower produced. For now, the world almost seemed to hold its breath.

Tevis recognized one of the figures out on an evening walk. He slowed pace and nodded respectfully to the old Iron Lord. Saladin dipped his head in response. Tevis mused for a second how different their paths had been. They'd been Risen around the same time. While Saladin had helped build one of the greatest organizations of Lightbearers the system had ever seen, Tevis had shunned company to wander the wilds alone. In time, Saladin had lost everything. Tevis had found himself with nothing worth keeping.

And now here they both were, walking unhurriedly through the Tower on a quiet Saturday night. It was funny how many paths led to the same place in the end. Lord Saladin looked more tired than he usually did.

Tevis was interrupted from his thoughts when someone crashed into him from behind. If Tevis hadn't been so distracted, he might have heard them coming. The old Nightstalker casually reached out a hand and grabbed the interloper's elbow to keep them from falling over. Unrestrained Void Light made his fingers tingle and burn.

He steadied the Guardian (yes, it was a Guardian, a Hunter, his mind catalogued), and started berating them. "Calm down, the Wall's not going to fall if you take a few-"

His brain finally caught up with his mouth and he stopped speaking, because this Hunter's Light was still sending pins-and-needles up Tevis' arm, which meant they were a Nightstalker, and there weren't too many Nightstalkers Tevis didn't know personally. He hadn't immediately recognized the helmet and cape in the gathering darkness, but with the realization of the subclass, things clicked into place.

"Pahanin?" He asked incredulously. Pahanin was on Kabr's raid squad, why was he here, now? They had left for the Vault of Glass not eight hours ago. Why was he alone?

Why was he so panicked?

The younger Nightstalker jerked out of his grip, stumbling in hastiness. His armor was scorched and torn and stained with milky-white Radiolaria. His hands hung at his sides, empty and useless as the holster on his hip. "I... I got to get- I gotta get to the Vanguard," he pleaded. The Awoken Hunter didn't make it more than a few steps before he faltered and fell to his knees, coughing.

"Shit," Tevis said. What had he said to himself earlier, about having nothing worth keeping?


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