Interlude: More Than One Anwser

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There's more than one answer to these questions
Pointing me in a crooked line
The less I seek my source for some definitive
The closer I am to fine

Closer to Fine – Indigo Girls


Answers to "Who am I", "Why am I here," "What should I fight for", and other similar questions:

An Essay by Spark, Ghost of Azra Jax

Zavala: You are a Guardian of the Last City, a defender of the hopes of Humanity. We fight to protect this place and these people from the forces who would see them extinct. You were chosen for a reason, Hunter.

Speaker: You are alive because the Traveler has blessed you with its Light. Fight for the Traveler, so that we might repay its sacrifice. Fight to bring about a new Golden Age.

Lord Shaxx: You are a phoenix who has risen from the ashes of who you once were. You can grow, and change. Our purpose is to become stronger and re-forge ourselves to be the best Guardians we can be, so we can defeat that which opposes us. The battles ahead will be difficult.

Andal Brask: Every bit of tech you bring back, every map you make, every Fallen you shoot will make things better in the long run. Don't worry about if you're doing the right thing. You are. It takes a bit for things to gel. In the meantime, relax a little. Try Sparrow Racing. Always manages to get me out of my head.

Osiris: Begone. I have not enough time to discuss philosophy with querulous Hunters. Especially not you.

Ikora Rey: Like the ship whose parts are replaced until it is a completely new ship, you are never the same person twice. You are both the path and the walker. Who you were centuries ago matters less than who you chose to be now.

Alaia Ruse: You're here to do what the Titans and the Warlocks cannot do. Or will not do. Same reason I'm here and not out running. The Hunter view of things is a unique one. Find a gap somewhere and fill it. We're not all Shaxxes or Osirises. Osiri? Whatever.

Jaren Ward: Humanity's had it rough. This system has had it rough. We all need to pitch in where we can to make things better. Especially us. We been given this chance, this gift, to be alive again. We should use it to help people. I'm not saying you should be careless with your life, 'cause it's still got value. Just, when you're considering all your options, it's not your place to put yourself first.

Falstaff Straight: There's this idea in logic about axioms. You can't be sure of anything completely, so you make assumptions. You take certain ideas, certain postulates, like any two points can be connected by a line, assume them to be true, and then you build off of them. Here's an axiom: Human life is good and should be protected. Because many Humans live in the Last City, you can say, therefore, the Last City should be protected. And furthermore, if you...

Shiro-4: If anyone tells you they've got it all figured out, they're lying. The regular Humans don't even have it figured out, and they weren't reconstructed from dust by a giant white ball in the sky.

Wei Ning: Build yourself strong foundations. Figure out what you really believe in. You think you fight for the Traveler? Why? How? Do you fight to pay back its sacrifice? Do you fight for the Light because it gave you a new life? Do you fight for the future of Humanity? You see, if you build yourself from the basics, the things you are absolutely certain about, you can't be shaken.

Cayde-6: Find what you care about. Find the best things about yourself, and fight for them like hell. You only lose when you let go, you hear me?

Tevis Larsen: If you were satisfied with getting answers from the outside, you wouldn't be asking still. Your path is yours. The answer will be yours. Now, shoo.

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