Aaron. part I

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We were never meant to be.

That's what I write on my diary every night before I go to sleep. But as I get lost inside my dreams, I see him and how we could have been.


"Hey,disappointment.", Flynn came up to me with a book in her grip and a big smile. How can someone be so awake this early in the morning? It was cloudy outside giving the feeling of the afternoon and cloudy and rainy days are meant for staying in.

"Hi,Flynn", I left a yawn along and she frowned at me. I took the stuff I needed for our next class as she copied my moves and closed her locker.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side this morning." She laughed at her own comment and started walking. I just followed without complaining. I can't handle her sarcastic comments about what was I dreaming last night that didn't let me sleep.

And we both knew I was dreaming of a very specific kinda ghost boy.

After all the orpheum situation the boys are for sure touchable but still can teleport. Don't understand how this works but they are slowly meeting the world again so that's what actually matters. It's like they got a second chance.

Except one issue. I thought if Luke wasn't a ghost everything between us would be different, like there's definitely something between us, right?

And call me dumb for not expecting it but everything stayed exactly the same maybe except that we don't have that much time for song writing since they are going through realising what being alive means again. I'm not mad I guess I'm just disappointed.

And I get it he has to deal with so many new emotions al of a sudden but we are just standing still and he seems alright with it. Maybe I also have to start being fine with the fact that we are just not meant to be.

"Oh, Jules you are lost in your own world again. If I had those almost dead eyes in front of me I would punch him right in the face.", she punched the air gaining a few stared and I rolled my eyes despite the laugh that escaped from my lips.

"Yeah, I don't think the answer for this is violence.", I stated slowly as I lowered her arms and she just shrugged her soulders,"I'll get over it, Flynn. I even got over Nick in such a short time. I got it."

"Sure, you just forgot about Nick because of Luke. Even though I was not the biggest fan of Nicky poo, I guess you could still give him a chance. I mean he even showed up in your house with a bouquet of,not that it matters, but expensive flowers.", Flynn has been slowly obsessing over me getting with Nick and I feel like I've hit my lowest point. Imagine how bad the situation is.

"I won't give someone a chance just because I need to let Luke go, Flynn.", what's even going on in her mind? Even though, to be honest Nick has been really trying to be on my good side.

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