white walls

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After all, everyone need someone to save them. So,let me be your savior.

Everyday in the same room. Everything's white from the walls to their clothes. Sometimes it seems like I entered heaven and some like I'm in hell. In this hallway I've seen more pain that I could ever imagine. It kills me knowing that some day I'll be next to feel like that.

Everyday I see him. He is the only color in this room. He always sits some chairs next to me. He always has this tired look and an annoying behavior. We've exchanged some words, usually we're just fighting. Not big ones, nothing meaningful, just something to take off our minds of what is going on behind those walls.

His mother is laying on the bed, she is sick and in the room next to her, my mum. Cancer. My mum has been having her own battle for one and a half years now. Her condition is stable, not good nor bad. I don't know how to feel about that. But his mum is worse. She is fighting for her life and if she stops- nevermind.

My dad is somewhere,haven't seen him for seven years. All I have is her. I don't have many friends, especially real ones.I've been hurt by many people and I'm done trying. I've been trying to keep on my program school,hospital and the library that I work to. Mum can't work so I had to take over for her.

He,on the other hand, seems to have friends that care about him. He has a little brother, Steven. I've met him a while ago, he is the sweetest kid. He wanted someone to play with him and that's our thing since then.

He can be moody but I could see his sadness in his eyes. I know for a fact that his eyes are the prettiest I've ever seen. The bring me comfort. I turn my head to his side, staring at him.

"You're staring", he said not moving his eyes from the ceiling.

"I know.", I replied. He rolled his eyes and kept ignoring me. "Is Stev coming today?"

"No, I don't want him here. He is too young for all-", he paused as a sad tone took over his words, "this."
His eyes were now in his hands.

"Luke",I called him."You okay?", I asked as I noticed his shaky hands. He tried to hide them when he caught me looking but it was too late. "You don't have to hide it. I get it,you know that."

"You don't need to worry about me Jules, I'm fine.",his tone was harsh making me feel a little guilty. He keeps doing this, after 3 months knowing each other he still keeps pushing me away.

"You know.", I said and I let my head fall behind on the wall, "You might not like me or not even care that I'm here, but I'm grateful you're here with me, Luke. I just wish it wasn't under those circumstances.", I paused and lifted my gaze at the ceiling." I don't know if I could handle it if I was alone."

It was true, when things were going badly with my mother he was there holding me when I cried, bringing me ice cream from the cafeteria or even coffee when I needed to stay awake to make sure she was fine. I was really grateful for him.

No regrets/Jatp Where stories live. Discover now