Orange Flower - Sunoo x Reader

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My hand places the last flower as a part of a large bouquet, but not before sniffing the beautiful orange lily that sits in the center surrounded by white tulips and daisies. The few orange lilies placed in between the surrounding white flowers, standing out and creating a stunning bouquet. I smile softly to myself, quite proud of this bouquet as it's not often that orange flowers are requested. Reluctantly, I set the finished bouquet to the side knowing I still had quite a few more to make in order to keep up with the orders needed to be done by today. But I wouldn't have it any other way, it truly is a dream job.

The only sound in the back of the flower shop is the cutting of stems and rustling of colorful wrapping paper when making the bouquets. A sense of tranquility hovers in the atmosphere, only the small jingle of the front door echoing inside on the occasion. A faint murmur of voices from the cashiers conversing with guests and the occasional co-worker coming in to pick up a bouquet that a customer ordered to request.

I don't even notice the time pass by until a soft knock echoes from the doorway of the backroom and I see my co-worker point to the clock signaling it's almost the end of our shift. I give her a quick thumbs-up in appreciation for the heads-up. Yet when I'm about to finish up the last bouquet I've been working on she says something that leaves me confused, "by the way, a customer asked to talk to you."

The only thing that crosses my mind in horror is the possibility of screwing up their order and they wanted to tell me that I should remake it immediately. But I smile back nervously nodding and gather any ounce of courage I could to face this upset customer. It's okay. Although my heightened nerves couldn't stop the anxious fidgeting of my hands and shallow breaths I was taking in.

When I head to the front with my co-worker, my eyes immediately look for the agitated customer but only see a very handsome man holding the orange bouquet I finished earlier. Did I get the color wrong? But his face is calm, I'm confused. My co-worker quickly greets the customers once again and gestures to me. His face immediately lights up and he thanks my co-worker who takes her leave, leaving me even more confused.

"Was there something wrong with the bouquet?" I ask, trying not to let my voice quiver from my nerves.

"What?!? Oh, no! Not at all," he hurriedly says with a gentle smile that just radiated happiness, "I wanted to thank you personally for such a beautiful bouquet. It truly is stunning."

His eyes turn into crescents when saying 'stunning' and I had to stop myself from swooning on the spot, "i-it's really nothing. I do this everyday but it was my favorite of the day. Not many people chose the color orange."

"That's such a shame," he says with a bit of a pout, "I guess I'll just have to come back and order another bouquet with orange flowers to fix that."

Is he flirting? Is that even flirting? I brush off the small heat I feel rising to my cheeks from most likely an empty promise and trying not to get my hopes up, "I'd like that."

He smiles holding the bouquet close to his chest, taking his leave out of the flower shop doors with the jingle of the bell. It's only when my co-worker taps me on the arm, do I snap out of my strange trance.

"He's cute," she says, giving my arm a playful nudge.

I can only nod in reply but the obvious blush on my cheeks gives me away immediately. Although I'd doubt he would come back again.


But he did. He kept coming back. Week after week he continued to order the same bouquet with orange lilies, white tulips and daisies. Not only that, but he would always pick it up at the end of the day purposely to ask to see me. The first few weeks it kept happening, I thought I'd been dreaming or something.

Yet when his order came through on the system, I couldn't help the bright smile that escaped me from just seeing his order knowing he'd be coming to pick it up. I took lots of care with making his order more than others, adding little details that nobody else but myself would notice. I would even find myself getting distracted just staring at his bouquet almost like I was waiting for him to pick it up, just so I could see him. The sweet man that radiated bright like the sun and brought a smile to my face.

And it's when my co-worker knocks on the door with a suggestive smile that a deep blush erupts on my cheeks knowing why but I still ask, "what's with the face?"

"You know who is here," she says with a playful wink, causing my eyes to roll but my heart skips a beat just thinking about seeing him.

I grab the orange flower bouquet knowing exactly which one is his at this point. My co-worker leads the way until she heads off to another part of the store, most likely to start closing activites.

"I almost didn't make it in time to chat with you today," he says with a pout and how badly I wanted to kiss it away. He just looked so adorable.

I smile shyly, "you know you aren't required to come."

"I know but then I wouldn't get to see you," he says with such a sincere look in his eyes, I feel like I could faint.

I'm certain the deep blush on my cheeks gave me away but he must've chosen to ignore it as I handed him his bouquet of flowers, "your total is $9.99."

He pays in cash which is unlike him but I brush it off without too much thought. But when I went to hand him his change he purposely brushed his hand against mine, dropping a small piece of paper into it.

"Thank you," he says with a beaming smile, "I'll see you soon."

I'm left speechless as he leaves quicker than normal but my eyes immediately are drawn to the small paper tucked into my hand. Slowly opening it and my eyes widened upon seeing a number written inside, his number. If I wasn't blushing before, I certainly was now.

And when I looked up, I saw a shy grin across his face outside the shop window as he gave me a small wave goodbye, mouthing 'call me'. I never knew someone could make me swoon over them just from saying something so simple but the pounding of my heart knew I'm deeply infatuated with him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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