New Years Kiss - Hyung Line

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I nervously glance at the countdown seeing there isn't long until it hits midnight. To another year being single. The thought puts a frown on my face knowing I at least tried to be a bit more outgoing this year but it all seemed in vain. I lean against the counter with a long sigh and look down at my phone in surprise to see a text from someone I never expected.

Meet me on the balcony.

- Heeseung

I hesitate for a moment feeling my cheeks heat up from the sudden message but the clock counting down in the background reminds me of what little time I have before the new year. I take in a nervous breath as I navigate through the crowd of drunk and sweaty masses of people dancing to the balcony.

What does he want? To ask me to meet him so suddenly like this? Doesn't he want to spend the night with someone he's interested in?

Thinking it through, we only talked a few times during class and worked together on one group project, but nobody could deny how attractive Heeseung is, just even a glance his way has people swooning. I stop in front of the door to the balcony, starting to question if this was the right choice but my curiosity gets the best of me as I slide the door open to see Heeseung look back with a smile on his face. I can't help but feel my cheeks heat up as I smile back. He looks even more handsome under the moonlight.

"Y/n," he calls softly and gestures to me to come to his side, "I wasn't sure if you were here or if you would even come."

"Surprise?" I reply with an awkward chuckle, quietly moving to be next to him, "I'm as shocked as you I ended up coming but my friend convinced me somehow."

"Good for me then," he says nonchalantly, catching my attention feeling myself grow confused by the statement. I look over to him to see a small smirk on his lips making butterflies erupt in my stomach, heat rising to my cheeks once again.

"How is it good for you-"

But the sound of people loudly counting down cuts me off.

"3!" everyone shouts but I can only focus on how Heeseung's hand goes to cradle my cheek and his other hand that lingers on my waist now. I feel my face getting hot despite the cold air whipping around us.

"2!" I look up to Heeseung to see a large smile on his face but before I can ask what's happening the crowd shouts, "1!"

Within not even a second, Heeseung's lips are against mine making my eyes widen but they're gone as soon as they are there.

"Happy New Year," he says with a cheesy grin and a soft squeeze to my side breaking me out of whatever haze he just put me in.

"H-Happy New Year," I stutter out before my brain starts processing everything, "W-What, why did you- do you?"

"Will you let me take you on a date, Y/n?" Heeseung whispers only inches from my lips with a little shimmer in his eyes from the stars that made him look unreal, "I promise to explain everything then."

I can only stare with my mouth hanging open slightly before I compose myself enough to respond in a coherent sentence, "you have a lot of explaining, but yes."

He giggles cutely and lifts me up unexpectedly causing me to squeal from the sudden gesture, "thank you, thank you, thank you!"


I nervously ring the bell to my boyfriend's apartment knowing this is the first new year we will be spending together and I can't help the little butterflies fluttering around in my stomach at the thought. It only takes a moment for the door to open and to see Jay smiling widely at my presence.

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