A Love That Can't Be Stopped - Niki x Reader

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The familiar ache in my chest rises when his eyes are only able to glance over in my direction before shifting back to staring blankly forward. No matter how I wanted to feel his gaze on me, his eyes can't linger for it only brings upon more chaos to something that could make everything I have crumble in a moment's notice. Yet I knew my mind would never win the battle against my heart that yearned for the man in the suit of armor.

I can picture his long hair that almost shields his eyes half the time and his handsome face that causes my heart to start racing. The small smirk that pulls at his lips when he manages to fluster me or the way his eyes gaze into mine with so much passion that any rationale is lost.

But nothing hurts more than feeling as if I'm betraying him every time a suitor comes along. I wanted to tell the queen to stop, I wanted to tell her I've already found love, I wanted to shout to the world I'm in love with Niki who is my knight in shining armor. But I know what will happen if I do. I know my mother, the queen, would send him away as soon as she found out because how could a princess ever marry a knight?

I smile politely to the man before me, another one of the suitors, who takes my hand and kisses my knuckles, lingering there for longer than I'd like. I have to stop myself from trying to pull my hand back only wanting the lips of the one I love to kiss them. Only wanting his lips against me. My heart belonged to him and only him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Princess," the suitor says in a sultry tone trying to make me swoon but only if he had known my heart was already captured by someone else, "I've heard you're a hard one to catch."

I let out a forced laugh having heard it at least five times at this point, "is that the rumor these days?"

"Why yes," the suitor says and stands up with a smile, still holding onto my hand, "it appears that everyone is after the heart of the Princess yet she refuses to let it get stolen by someone."

"I'm so sorry to disappoint," I say teasingly, pulling my hand out of his but truly meaning every word knowing that I wouldn't be won over by anyone, "I truly don't know what to tell you."

"Guess I'll just have to keep trying to figure it out and win that heart of yours," he says, sending a wink my way before bowing deeply to the queen and I, "but for now I bid thee farewell, dear Princess and Queen."

I couldn't stop the way my shoulders relaxed seeing the suitor leave the ballroom. The strange tension in the room clears as soon as he leaves but I have to stop myself from rolling my eyes at my mother's next words, "he was rather charming, no?"

"Maybe to you," I reply dryly and fake a yawn, wanting to avoid the same conversation that happens every time a suitor comes, "I think I'll be taking my leave now, I'm absolutely exhausted from today."

"But we haven't discussed whether or not you want him as-"

"I don't," I state bluntly, causing a groan to escape the queen at the statement.

"Why can you not just settle down already?" She asks genuinely, frustrated by my constant rejections to the suitors, "if you do not decide or find a suitor within the next month, I will just arrange the engagement myself."

"But mother-"

"You may go to your room now," she states with a fire behind her eyes I've never seen before, "we will not be discussing this any further because the suitors in this world are not infinite and if you can't make the decision, I'll just have to do it for you."

I want to let out the profession of love that stirs deep within my heart yet the words die off my tongue, dreading the world where that love doesn't exist. I only nod silently, battling the inner demons that beg for the world where I can cherish and hold my love freely without fearing it all disappearing in seconds. The queen only sighs deeply at my silence and waves me off completely, the command the clear signal that I'm free to go.

I don't rush out of the room, just a slow paced walk that allows the dark cloud above my head to wash away all the hopes or dreams of a life with him. Yet I keep the composure of a Princess, keep the regal stature that is passed down for generations but knowing as soon as I enter my room it will all collapse. Each click of my heels echoing throughout the hallway of the palace, that undeniably is picking up pace slightly when my room is so close. The one place that there were no prying eyes that would judge a Princess for losing her composure, a place where I can truly be a human.

My hand grabs the handle, quietly acknowledges the guards stationed outside the door, and opens the door that feels heavier every time I open it. As if the door carries the weight of my secrets, my hidden self, safely sealing me away from the rest of the world for all except him.

When I hear the door click behind me, I let my back lean against it before letting myself fall to the floor feeling an all too familiar burning ache in my chest. Tears spill out of my eyes and I take shallow breaths knowing I couldn't cry out loud in fear of others hearing, but all the oxygen in the world isn't enough to make up for the weeping of my heart.

It wasn't until there was a soft knocking against the door did I realize how much time had passed. The once setting sun has now turned into a black abyss that shows only its most special light, stars. I clear my throat a little and dab my eyes, hoping my eyes don't look obviously red. I stand up with ease and smooth down the wrinkles in my dress or at least attempt to, but having a strong inkling as to who is behind the door, it wouldn't matter to him.

My hand pulls at the handle of the door, opening it to be met with the one that held the key to my heart. Niki. He glances to the side to see the guards still aren't back from switching and takes the opportunity to slip inside the room, closing the door with a soft thud. But one thought lingers in my mind more prominent than the rest, why did he come this way? Doesn't he know how dangerous it is if he were to be caught?

But when his eyes meet mine, I can't find the effort to express my worry when his eyes gaze so lovingly into mine. I trusted him fully at this point even if I never admitted it out loud and he knew it. He knew from the way he could wrap his arms around my waist or the way his forehead rested against mine as he smiled down at me.

"Good evening, my Princess," he whispers and places a gentle kiss to my nose that makes it feel as if it's tingling.

"Evening, my knight," I whisper back trying to ignore the slight hoarseness in my voice that must've come from earlier but it seems to catch Niki's attention almost immediately. Damn his attention to detail.

"What's troubling you?" He asks so sweetly, his eyes never leaving mine and I can't help the way my arms reach for him instinctively. I shake my head against him thinking back to earlier but I know the agony I'll feel soon will be tenfold of what I'm feeling right now.

"Niki," I say softly against his chest and his arms pull me closer to him trying to comfort me, "you heard what mother said earlier. I don't know how much longer we can keep this up. I love you so much it hurts more than anything to see all these suitors but if I'm to marry someone-"

"Princess," he calls gently and carefully cups my face in his hands to look up at him, "I love you to the moon and back. I don't care what I have to do if it means that I share you with someone else, so be it. I just need to have you in my arms. I need you. I'd love to have you all to myself but we both know that's just wishful thinking."

"But-" my eyes glisten once again with fresh tears, "I only want you, Niki. I only want your arms around me, only your kisses, only your love. I want your everything. No one else."

"Then so be it," he whispers inches from my lips before capturing them with his. He continues by peppering my face with kisses and only then do I smile truly, in the arms of my love.

However this ends, let me at least be held by you, until death do us part.

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