Is My Love Not Enough For You? - Sunghoon x Reader

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The rain was nothing in comparison to the tears pouring out of my eyes. The dark shadow of clouds that covered the sky only seemed to further encourage the raging anguish in my heart. It had all been going so well. I recounted every moment we had together, every time his hand would gently brush against my shoulder or the way he would fall into my arms when laughing. I had thought that he was the one, but I was wrong. I was blinded by false love and affection that hid the true monster.

A shiver ran through my body trying to tell me to turn back, to go home but I couldn't. Not when he's still there. It didn't matter anyways since the place I once called my 'home' is now just a shell of emptiness. It was a place we shared together but now it's just nothing, a space of stale air. Why did it have to be him? Why couldn't it have been him to be the one?

A painful cry breaks through my lips before it's muffled by my hand. The weight of my body feels like a ton of bricks as I fall to my knees. I could care less if it's scraped or bruised. I could care less if someone tried to kill me at this moment. I could care less if someone were to stab a knife through my heart because nothing hurt more than his words. The words that felt like it made a creator in my heart that only seems to keep deepening.

"I found someone else," he said without a hint of interest and went back to lounging on the sofa as if he didn't just say something heartbreaking, "at least she knows how to love me right."

The words stung, as if a bee stung my heart multiple times over and over again as it replayed in my mind on loop. The overflowing insecurities I've always managed to keep at bay with his love come flooding in from the single tear that he put in my heart to then rip it into shreds recounting all the memories. Had I not loved you enough? Was my love not enough for you? How long ago did you find this 'someone else'? I don't remember much after that except for the flash of red taking over my vision when shouting at him to just 'get out'. I regret it, but I don't. I still love him, but the burning hole in my heart loathes him like no other.

The pain I never wanted to experience is unimaginable, yet knowing his presence still lingers in that house is what keeps me from going back. Going back to the safety of my bed, to my home. But is it even home anymore?

The battle for reason in my mind to go back home where I can wallow in pain alone doesn't win against the aching of my heart that yearns to stay as far as possible from that man. So I kneel on the sidewalk as I let the droplets of water fall onto my head in a constant rhythm. I just let myself feel. Feel the pain. Feel the agony. Feel the heartbreak.

Feel something that wasn't the burning rage inside my heart.

But I blink my eyes open in surprise when the rain pounding against my head stops, and I wait. I wait to see if it'll continue. I wait to see if that same addicting chilling shiver from each drop takes over my body once more, yet there is nothing. I cautiously look over my shoulder to see what is the cause of this and feel my breath stop short.

In front of my very eyes is a man wearing a black trench coat holding a large umbrella over himself and I. His eyes meet mine with a silent questioning look and manages to somewhat remind me of how insane I probably look right now.

"Miss, are you alright?" he says so softly that I almost miss it from the distraction of my jumbled mind. Yet a sudden calmness overtakes me from his presence as if a blanket covers all of the emotions I've been so in tune with and puts them at ease for a while. But one thing dawned upon me that I hadn't realized in so long, it had been awhile since someone asked if I was okay, alright or really anything.

I couldn't muster up any words to respond with except a broken small cry escaping my lips, almost sounding like a complete child. And in this moment, I truly felt like a child. The strenuous exertion of everything that just happened seemed to hit me all at once. The composure I kept for a few small moments seemed to disappear after the single question, it had become my breaking point. As if I hadn't already seemed to reach it.

"I-I'm sorry," I managed to get out in between my tear filled eyes and choked out sobs yet the kind stranger just crouched down beside me, gently patting my head.

"It's okay," he whispered so sweetly, "everything is going to be alright. You have nothing to apologize for."

My hands trembled from the cold, or maybe it was exhaustion, to be honest I wasn't quite sure. Yet when he gently moved his hand from my head to hold one of my trembling hands in his, I finally managed to gather the courage to look at his face. But I only feel at a loss for words seeing who it was.

"Sunghoon?" I call out his name to see a soft smile on his face that he only showed to those close to him.

"I didn't think I'd see you today Y/n," he jokes half-heartedly not really knowing what to say, "but you can never predict these things, hmm?"

I nod at his words not expecting it to be him, "you're right about that."

But he didn't know yet that those words hid the true reason as to why I'm in the state I am.

Nothing is predictable in this world.

"Y/n," he starts saying gently but stops for a second to think over his words, "my apartment is just down the street. Would you let me take you there so you can shower and get out of these sopping wet clothes?"

"You really don't need to do that-"

"Please," he almost begs, "it's the least I can do, I hate seeing you like this. Let me do something at least, please."

I stare into his eyes trying to see if there was any sign of myself being an inconvenience of some sort yet only sincerity lies within them when waiting for my response, "if you insist."

He smiles brightly at this and carefully helps up my emotionally drained figure. He says nothing as he gently rests his coat over my shoulders and just puts a finger to his lips when I even attempt to protest it. With reluctance I listen to him and let him take care of me, as the two of us walk under his umbrella towards his apartment.

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