Chapter 3: Rise Of A Serpentess

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"The wind grows restless

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"The wind grows restless."

The two children walk through the snow covered wasteland, the storming blizzard around them not deterring the boy. Their footsteps crunch in the snow beneath them as their breaths condensated(that's a big word  for Elmo lol! My science coach will be proud. And for those of you who do not use science words from day to day. It's when your breath goes from gas form to liquid mist. Creating the dragon smoke affect.) into fog.

The boy huffed, placing his hands into his jean pockets as he kicked a rock. Gritting his teeth as his red eyes remained fixated into a glare. "Stupid ninja," he kicked the rock further. "I'll show them who they're dealing with! They'll all be scared of me!" He vowed.

The girl smiled warmly, despite how she shivered from the cold. Her sweater overtop her cheongsam barely providing her enough warmth. She used to think Jamanakai Village was cold, now she didn't though.

"I think you're pretty scary already, Lloyd." Zodi said kindly, the usual optimism ever present in her words. Lloyd looked back at her, frowning for a moment more before the smallest of nervous smiles crept upon his face.

Though that soon turned to a feigned prideful smirk. "I mean, of course I am. I'm the son of the dark Lord and future ruler myself. I'm supposed to be." He paused for a minute, glancing away. "B-But-... Thank you…" He muttered.

Lloyd kicked the rock again, however this time when it landed, it wasn't the familiar crunch of snow that met their ears. It was more of a metallic, echoing, hollow noise.

"Hey, what is…" He wondered aloud, puzzled. They walked over to see what looked like metal doors below them. There was a small lever shaped like a snake as well.

Lloyd reached to grab the lever, and Zodi grabbed his sleeves, tugging at it gently. "L-Lloyd, maybe t-this isn't a g-good idea…" She mumbled, stuttering from the cold.

However, it was too late as the second he pulled his hand off it, it clicked. The metal doors beneath them began to open. The duo screamed as they tried to scamper back to the snow, but it didn't work. They slipped and began falling into a dark abyss below.

Thankfully, they landed on the ice floor with little more than a bruise or two. Lloyd landed first, then Zodi landed on top of him. He grunted in pain as the wind was knocked out of him. Zodi gasped as she scrambled off of him. "Sorry!" She apologized.

Lloyd winced, rubbing his ribs as he sat up. "It's okay. I'm fine." He mumbled as he stood up and looked around. The place was mostly icy caverns that seemed to stretch on for as far as the eye could see.

Zodi shivered as she grabbed onto his hoodie. If it was cold up there, it was freezing down here. Scary too. She didn't like it. "L-Lloyd…. Th-this place is s-scary…. And c-cold." She stammered out.

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