Ben head canons

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1. The only thing he has spoken to the whole group was, "I love you guys." 

2. He only spoke to Aiden and Lily until he had a nightmare once that they made fun of him and then he stopped talking to them at all. 

3. Secretly worries about Aiden a lot.

4. Made playlists for everyone in the group.

5. Goes swimming in the pool when he is stressed after being in the phantom dimension.

6. Lets Logan lay on him whenever he wants.

7. One time clenched his fists so hard that his nails dug into his hand.

8. Lets Aiden do whatever he wants in his room.

9. Sits next to Taylor during lunch and holds her hand under the table.

10. Gets butterflies easily.

11. His first time smoking weed he fell asleep immediately.

12. Walked in on Ashlyn and Aiden cuddling and watching a movie and now has a photo to use as blackmail.

13. Likes playing with Taylors hair.

14. Goes over to Logan's house a lot.

(I don't have many for him sorry

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