Nitya took a deep breath and said to herself, "Don't smile like this, and anyway what is there to smile about so much? Oh, but why the same thing is going on in my mind since morning. I don't understand this. I don't understand how I kissed him like this. I don't know what happens to me whenever he comes to me, I don't remember anything around him."

Thinking all this, Nitya sat down with her hands on her head, when a message came on her phone. Hearing the sound of incoming message, she picked up the phone lying on the bed.

And said to herself, "What message has he sent?"

Avayan, "I will be late in coming, okay?".

Nitya read the message, she said to herself making a face, "He is sending messages as if I will be sitting here waiting for him".

Nitya kept her phone there and went down.

Night time,

It was about quarter to nine when Vipul came to Avayan's cabin and said, "Boss, the car is ready."

Avayan got up from his place and Vipul also followed him. He sat in the car and left for the club.

Blue Diamond Club,

Two man came to the door of the club. They stopped there and started looking inside carefully. It was Aadhar and Karan who were dressed as waiters and had disguised themselves with a fake beard and moustache. So that no one can recognize them.

Karan looked inside the club carefully and said, "Sir, a party is going on here."

Aadhar said, "The party will start now, Karan". Saying this, Aadhar went inside the club. And Karan also went after him.

Karan started serving drinks to everyone. Aadhar stood at the bar counter which was right in front of the door. So that he could keep an eye on every person coming and going.

The news of that underworld's illigal meeting taking place here had reached Aadhar also. And also the news had reached him that 'The Mad Wolf' was also going to come here today, that is why Aadhar had come here today so he could get some clue about the Mad Wolf.

The news of any such underworld meeting was not leaked, but today this news had directly reached CBI, and from which every mafia coming here today was unaware of it.

It was nine o'clock. Many people were coming to the bar but Aadhar did not find anyone among them for whom he had been waiting.

Aadhar was preparing drinks for everyone and suddenly there was a huge crowd at the door and in the meantime Avayan entered the club. JD was also with him. Vipul and some of his guards were behind them.

Avayan and JD entered the bar, they turned to their right.

Aadhar was trying to see everything from the counter but he could not see anything. He quickly walked from there and came near the door but he did not see anyone like that in the crowd there.

On the other hand, Avayan reached a room with JD where some people were already present.

Avayan went inside that room, all the people present there stood up after seeing him.

He sat on a chair in front without looking at anyone.

A man present there said, "Thanks for coming here everyone, today's meeting is very special for all of us, because we all are going to benefit from this deal and-."

The man had just said this much when Avayan, staring at him, said in his loud voice, "Come to point Mr. Sanwat".

Mr. Sanwat became silent then JD further said, "Of course, come to the point directly of the matter of work, because no one here has that much time, so the first thing is to supply weapons from here and drugs to come from there. We have to accomplish two tasks simultaneously, that's why we have to be more careful."

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