Chapter 11

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"Draco Malfoy." 

McGonagall's  voice echoed through my ears, as my eyes widened. Me? The quidditch captain. I have always loved quidditch, but that's not the case. With my death-eater reocords, McGonagall allowing me to come back was a miracle, but giving me the quidditch captainship... I was honestly very honoured and was determined to make Slytherin win the house cup. I felt someone patting my back.

"Damn mate, you've really got some competition. I mean, just look around. You're playing against Weaselette, the hottest, the most beautiful..."

I rolled my eyes as Blaise went on and on about the girlfriend of the boy who lived, which was his way of making Pansy jealous and realize what she's missing out on. Blaize has been using Weasellette to make Pansy jealous ever since he started liking her. At first I thought he'd eventually move on from Pansy and would start dating Weasellette instead, as I guessed Weasellette had a thing for Blaise too. Despite my predictions, his feelings for my girl best friend never died. 

"Will you shut up for a second!!??? I'm trying to concentrate on what's going on, not on the perfect figure of your redhead princess. I have no idea, how I'm going to face the school. Both my friends have fallen for 2 gryffindors. What did I do to deserve this?"" 

Pansy shouted. Frustration and envy evident in her eyes. Just kiss already I thought as I once again rolled my eyes at the handsome italian and his crush. I was so busy observing tension between my idiot and Pans that I did not even notice that the meeting has been over. I quickly swept to my feet as I pulled Blaise up. I waved good  bye to Pansy while walking out of the Great Hall. Damn... She looked like she could kill someone. My thoughts drifted from Pansy to my *cough cough* G-I-R-L-F-R-I-E-N-D in a milliesecond as my eyes landed on hers. I quickly mouthed to her.

"My dorm"

Skip to Samantha's POV

Malfoy mouthed "My Dorm" to me and I froze on the spot. It all made sense now. He wanted me to come to his dorm all along and I hadn't even objected. I'm not ruining my reputation like that. I am tougher than he think I am. Besides Hermione calls me WEDNESDAY,  because I hardly smile.

"What is wrong with you?"

"Nothing, Ginevra. How am I going to go to Malfoy's dorm now? Slytherin Compartments was bad enough."

I said, frustrated. The incident at the Slytherin Compartment has flown from that end of the train to the other in no time and as a result, I was receiving death glares from all the 7th years, curious stares from the 1st years and weird looks from the rest. 

"What on Earth are you talking about?"

I explained the situation I was in to Ginevra, who didn't even need time to come up with a solution.

"You can send your prince a letter saying that his princess is not comfortable at going to the castle and wants to suggest a new place."

That was so cringe. 

"3 things Ginevra okay? First, when did he become 'my prince'? Second, what other place? Third, we should really get to our dorms, BECAUSE WE ARE BLOCKING THE PATHWAY. "

Ginevra took a minute to process everything and once she did. She dragged me to the Gryffindor common room. I regretted it instantly. Because once we entered, everyone started showering me with questions.

"Are you dating Malfoy?" Dean said.

"He's a death-eater, Sam." Ron's voice.

"He'll kill you." Probably some first year.

"You deserve better." Soothing voice of Hermione just killed me.

"You grandma will be very angry." I got my wand out to Avadakadevra the third year who said that. But Ginvera gripped my hand and started to step forward. I beat her to it.

"First of all, yes, I am dating an ex-death-eater and I have for three months now. Second, he haven't killed me yet, but I hope he does soon so, I don't have to deal with you lot. Third, he makes me happy and he was there for me when I had none of you and now, you have the guts to come and complain? Unbelievable. Fourth, My grandma's opinion about it is none of your damn buisness."

With that I just walked out to my dorm that I had to share with Ginevra. I started writing a letter to Malfoy, still enraged about those nosy, judgemental people.

Hey guysss, I'm back. I think this is my longest chapter yet.  I'm working on some other fanfics as well and that's why it took long to update. Sorry about that. Anyway, please vote & comment. Enjoy reading!

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