Chapter 07

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"What the damn hell are you talking about? I'm not going to date her. She's almost a duplicate of Granger except for the tiny little fact that she's like the hottest chick aro-"

I was very rudely cut off by Blaise, who unintentionly saved me from "accidently" admiring Conrad.

"Now, wait a damn minute. You just called her hot, which makes me think that you aren't that against her. You had a crush on her few years ago, So-

"That was literally 3 years ago and it's over now. You will never let go of it. Will you?"

"Nope and you will date her. Come on, let's go and find her for god's sake."

I was livid although I knew that deep down my normal teenage self would absolutely love to date her, claim her as mine, hold her hand when we walk down the corridors and so much more. However, that self of mine expired a long time ago when Dark Lord decided to stay at our manor. Those dark times has changed me so much that I started having trust issues. I always thought I would end up alone unabling to trust anyone. I really didn't want to drag her into this mess. She deserved so much better as her life was, is and will be perfectly perfect.

I don't know how Blaise dragged me to the Gryffindor Compartments, but he somehow did. Little did I know, we had a surprise waiting.

*   *   *

"Samantha Conrad, you're going to come with me and that's final."

"I'm not. You can't make me."

"For your information, I can and if you continue to frown maybe I will."

I was trying my best to get out of Ginevra's death grip, while wondering when did she get this strong. That's when I spotted the last person I wanted to see. The one and only Draco Malfoy. It took me only one minute to figure out that he was in the same situation as me as it was crystal clear that he was also being dragged here by his best friend, Zabini. I almost felt sorry for  ashim Zabini was worse than Ginevra. But once I remembered what he did to me all those years, it was not hard to get that feeling off of my mind. 



The both started at the same time and pause at the same time as well. 

Half an hour later   (I'm sorry but I really didn't feel like writing that part.)

Both me and Malfoy have been sitting here in this deserted compartment for ages while Ginevra and Zabini went on and on about our dating plan. I didn't utter a single word, but when they finally turned their attention back to the two of us I couldn't help it.

"What's wrong with you? I thought we were going to just fake date."

Ginevra gave me a look. "Yeah and you can't back up now. We have already discussed about all the rules and stuff.


I almost screamed upon hearing the unexpected word. That's when the person who was sitting right across me started talking for the first time.

"Calm down, Conrad. For merlin's sake, haven't you ever dated?"

"Sorry that I'm not an expert at fake dating" I said sarcastically.

"Anyway, why the hell do we need rules?"

Ginevra still had that motherly disappointed look on her face as she sighed. 

"Oh I don't know. Maybe, because you two need to be aware about your boundaries and respect them when you're dating so, you don't accidently fall in love!"

I was staring at Ginevra like she had just hooked up with Snape. What was she talking about? Me falling for the ferret? Never in any million years. That's impossible. She's been watching too much Netflix. Our little 'bestie moment" was ruined by Zabini who shoved a parchment into my hands.

"Here's your set of rules, Conrad. To prevent you from falling for the Slytherin prince." He winked at me and I just rolled my eyes. I started reading the rules quickly.


1. Kissing, holding hands cannot be prohibited.

2. If Draco's hosting a party, it is must to attend.

3. Must come to watch all of his quidditch practises and matches.

4. Must accept all the princess treatments given by Draco.

5. Must always act like Draco's irresistable.

(These rules, can be changed at special occassions only if necessary.)

Hey guys. So, this is where all of it starts. Vote and comment. Thank you so much for reading my story. Have a lovely day.

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