Chapter 01

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I nervously intertwined my hands together as I waited for my grandma to say something.     

 "How did you manage to reject every single young man in the list?"

I cleared my throat before replying.

"Well, I thought I made it clear that I will never ever get married to anyone."

"Sam, you also realize that you're the last heiress of the Conrad family line and with your condition I've gotten rid of my desire to see grandkids before dying."

Her words pierced through my ears as my eyes started to get watery. It's bee 3months since I got to know that I can never ever have kids unless I get some muggle doctors to examine me. Well, my grandma made it crystal clear that she wants nothing to do with the muggles. This made my life more miserable than ever.

"Sweetie, I'm just trying to make you happy. All I want is to see you marrying some elegant young man as soon as you finish Hogwarts. I know that you're still thinking about that Weasley boy and I do not think he'll ever be happy if you're going to be lonely because of him."

Tears threatened to fall from my eyes as Fred's charming face flashed before my eyes. However, I had no intention in crying in front of her. So, I blinked my eyes and stood up rather confidently.

"How about this grandma, you let me be for the last Hogwarts year and I will find some ELEGANT YOUNG MAN to marry me by myself?"

Grandma raised an eyebrow at me and she looked at me with a blank expression.

"Are you sure you can do that?"

"Yep. I'm not that unattractive."

Grandma must've noticed the frustrated look on my face, when I said the word unattractive. She laughed.

"Oh Sam, you are what do those teens call it um. Umm um.... a Bae. Really if you get that grumpy look out of your face-"

"So, do we have a deal?"  I quickly cut her off as I knew she's going give me some beauty tips.

"I don't see any reason. So, why not?"

As soon as I got the approval I went to my room and closed the door. I still had a lot of packing to do for the school year since most of my things were destroyed during the battle. Grandma has promised to drop me by the burrow a night before the starting day of the new school year and I was beyond excited. Still, it killed me to think about Fred. His death still gave me nightmares from time to time. I had lost the count of sleepless nights which I had spent crying while looking at his photo. Sometimes, I just wished I was killed by Bellatrix instead of him.

I knew that Ginvera, being my best friend, would do anything to make me feel better. It seems nothing could cheer me up. When I got McGonagall's letter 2 weeks ago, I was more than reluctant about going to the place that made my life a living hell last year. Still, I knew I'd get to see Hermione, Harry, Ronald and most importantly Ginevra. So, I finally gave in.

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