Chapter 29: Go Home

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Frederick had grabbed his to go bag and walked out of the Pub.
When he saw Coincidence, he whistled. "What a fine looking car," he said with a grin. "Such a beauty."

Coincidence turned on her headlights and winked.

Frederick picked up on it. He walked towards the car and gently traced his finger over the hood. "So it's true what they say? I'm really looking at a goddess right now and not a figuratively one?"

Coincidence purred.

Frederick made his most flirtuous face. "I know it's still early days, but what do you say, honey, what about you let me in your trunk?"

Coincidence tilted her hood.

Frederick waved his hands. "I didn't mean to be disrespectful. Hope asked me to put this bag in your trunk, but none of them gave me any keys."

Coincidence opened her trunk.

With his most flirtuous face, Frederick said: "Thanks, honey." He finger gunned.


As Hope stormed through the crowd followed by a cheering Fate, Time turned to Moth and Doll.

"I guess we're going now," Time said gesturing at Hope and Fate. "I thank you for your help."

"The pleasure was ours," Moth said. He frantically eyed Hope and Fate as they tried to get passed Reginald. "Are you sure the three of you won't stay any longer?"

Time smiled and nodded. "I'm sure. It's impossible to keep them back."
Their expression turned serious. "Moth, Doll, why don't you join us?"

Doll and Moth looked at each other. Temptation flickered in their eyes before they rested in their raison d'être, the meaning They had given their lives.

Doll shook their head and Moth sighed. "We're flattered, really, but this is our home... We've made ourselves the promise to help all the lost souls we can and we still can save them... So no matter how tempting your offer is, the answer - for now - is no. The three of you, go home and think of us once on a while."

Time casted their gaze on the floor. Tears lurked in their eyes. They scraped their throat. "Then I wish you two the best of luck. Keep up the good work."
They glanced at the robots, stared at the floor and walked away.


When Frederick sauntered with the bag to the trunk and placed it inside, the pub's doors opened and Time, Hope and Fate walked out in deep conversation.

Frederick panicked. His eyes widened and his movements turned stiff. He dropped himself in the trunk next to his bag and quickly - but silently - closed the trunk while begging Coincidence to stay quiet.

Coincidence opened her doors for Fate, Time and Hope to get in while swiftly unlocking the middle part of the backseat for Frederick to get air and light.

Whispering, Frederick thanked her.

When the three deities got in Coincidence, the discussion was pretty heated.

Fate gesticulated exaggeratingly. "For the last time, Time, we're not going to ride to battle on unicorns."

"Why not?"

"Because unicorns aren't real."

"Says you, but I have seen them once."

Fate face-palmed. "That was a rhino."

"Unicorns, rhino's, pot-a-to, pota-to, but it doesn't take away the fact that we should ride on them in battle."

Fate turned red and Hope signed her to breathe.

Hope placed her hand on Fate's shoulder and adressed Time. "Maybe it's best to avoid an actual battle? With Perception using excommunication... I just don't want to end up here again."

Time clapped their hands. "I've got it! We'll use Freya's invisibility cloak."

"Who's Freya?"

"She lives in the neighbouring country. They have a democracy over there."

"How is that turning out?"

Time shrugged. "You know, the same corruption under a different name. She'll be eager to let us use her cloak if it's for war."

Hope's eyes widened. "War? We're just going to expose Perception's evil deeds, right? We won't be starting a war?" Freightened, she looked at Fate for confirmation. "Right?"

Fate pulled up one shoulder and then the next. She smiled sheepishly. "When we expose him, we might anger the masses which then might lead to rebellion and war?"

Hope swept her arm in the air. "No. No war. Not. Ever. I'm against it. There has to be another way."

"There is," Fate said, "and we'll find it once we're back. This place is giving me the creeps. Let's go home."

Time took the feather Karma had given them. It was a light as day and gently floated in their hands.
Time offered it to Fate. "Will you do the honours, Fate?"

Fate shook her head and gestured at Hope. "Let her do it. I'm certain she'll get us home safely. I trust her."

If Coincidence would still have had arms, she would have crossed them and hmfed.

Time offered Hope the feather.

Hope's eyes filled with fascination as she looked at the object. Her fingers hovered over it.
"How does it work?"

"You hold the feather, think of home and wish you were there. As long as you sit in Coincidence, we'll all travel along."

Hope bit her lip. She took a deep breath. "Okay, let's go."

When Hope's fingers slowly reached for the feather, Coincidence bounced up. The middle part of her backseat fell open and out jumped Frederick. He grabbed the feather, closed his eyes and wished to be home.

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