Chapter 15: Coincidence

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While the others enjoyed a mesmerizing play of light on the iridescent lake, Fate frantically walked up and down the camp.

"Cutting it won't do. Not even Atrophos' scissors can take out that thread."

Fate clenched her teeth. "There must be something I can do."

She grabbed her curly hair and yanked it. "Anything!"

With an Aaaarghhh, she dropped herself on the ground.

Fate chewed the inside of her cheek. "I can't tell Vision I screwed up. She'll excommunicate me."

Fate pulled down the corner of her eyes. "Why? Why did I have to choose her?"

She grabbed her forehead and whispered. "She's too powerful. I can't take this anymore."

All curled up, Fate rocked back and forth and sucked her thumb. Life as she had known it would be gone. The moment Vision would set eyes on Hope, she'd know Hope was a threat and who had chosen her? Fate had. It would be considered treason and she would not be able to blame it on Coincidence. She's Fate after all, the Goddess of Past, Present and the inevitable Future. She could have seen it. She should have seen it, because if she hadn't it too would be a reason to kick her out. After all, who would want a Goddess of the Future who couldn't even predict her own?
No, she had to avoid this... But how? How could she postpone the inevitable just long enough to blame it on the system?

A plan sprouted in Fate's mind. If Hope could mess up Life's path, then so could she. All she needed, was Coincidence and a little bit of Time.

Fate wrote some letters, picked out two eagles and told them to deliver the letters without getting caught.

The eagles made a high-pitched whistling sound and flew off.
They crossed mossy hills, ebony forests and opaque rivers.
They flew across small towns with wooden rooftops and dirt roads surrounded by acres of crop filled land and gradually found themselves in more densely inhabited parts of the kingdom. The dirt roads turned into cobblestone ones, the rooftops were made of tin and the acres of crops made place for oddly shaped houses and streets as far as the eye could see.

When they flew over Bryork, Eagle 1 nodded at Eagle 2. They parted ways as Eagle 1 locked eyes on their target.


The smell of coffee lingered in the afternoon air as Coincidence sat at a small, round wooden table outside the most famous bakery of Bryork. The latest newspaper was carefully tucked away under her broad brimmed hat on the table.

The wind had finally lain down and the sun shone awfully warm for the time of the year.
Coincidence put on her hat. She tipped her sunglasses just enough for her to glance over them and sipped her tea as she watched her surroundings like a hawk.

A man rushing across the street piqued her interest. She smiled to herself. "Gotcha!"

She unfolded the newspaper and snapped her finger. A gust of wind carried it away and soon the newspaper crawled across the street, stalking its prey.

It followed the man as he walked on the sideway. When the man was only a few steps away from the local barber's door, another gust of wind threw the open newspaper in the man's face. As he struggled to get it off him, the man walked into the barber as they walked out off their shop.

The barber cursed. The man held out his hands as to protect himself. Coincidence perked up. A mischievous smile crossed her lips.

The man profusely apologized and offered the barber a drink.

The barber looked the man up and down, mehed and accepted.

The both of them walked away chatting.

Coincidence grumbled. She crumbled the milk package. "I would have sworn the barber would have kicked his arse."

A voice behind her tauntingly sang: "Better luck next time."

Coincidence grabbed the milk package, turned around and threw it at Love. "I hate you!"

Love giggled. "I love you too, especially when you're doing my job for me." Every sentence they spoke in their singsong voice felt like it was followed by a heart shaped emoji. "Why don't you consider being my partner? Think of all the good we can do."

"Hell freezes over before I become your partner. I only follow Fate."

"And look where it got you." Love gave Coincidence a disappointed look while their mouth formed a soft tut tut tut. "Anyway, I have to go now. There's so much more work out there." Love pouted. "Are you sure you won't lend me a hand?"

"I'll give you a finger." Coincidence flipped Love off.

"I appreciate your help, but you have to be with Lust for that."

Coincidence grumbled.

Love smirked. "See you later, alligator. Toodles!"

Coincidence muttered: "Not if I can help it."

Eagle 1 swooped down and landed clumsily on the small, round table. They made a high-pitched whistling sound.

Coincidence peered over her sunglasses at the bird.

A bright smile crossed her dark lips and a twinkle played in her mahogany eyes.

"Does Fate finally need me?"

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