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An incandescent glow casts the room in a deep orange shimmer. The music plays gently alomg to the few people chatting over their drinks. The round wooden tables, accompanied by each a vase with flowers, create an odd compatability. A young girl with a high ponytail and two nose piercings balanced two tablets with drinks to their table. Behind them stretches a window, with a brick wall behind it.

"Here you go." She smiles, handing each their drink.

The glasses, filled to the brim, all are decorated with fine rose pedals, lemon slices and lots of blueberries and mint. The sugar coating presents the cherry on top.

Harry doubles over laughing eccentrically. Louis giggles too. He moves Harry's glass away from him, in case he'll knock it over by accident. Niall and Liam are drowning in a conversation about Zayn and Eleanor can't seem to stop texting.

It's all not too unusual. Harry seems to be happy, carelessly so but happy. Louis enjoys his presence and his terrible jokes that he laughs at every single time because Harry just looks so convinced of his comedian status.

Louis has had two drinks, whereas Harry is sipping his fourth. He doesn't particularly care, he knows it's not an issue for some with a higher tolerance to drink more on occasion. It's more Harry's behavior that has Louis feeling woozy. Harry makes an effort to place his hand very nonchalantly on Louis' thigh when he laughs, almost landing face first in Louis' crotch when he comes across something extra funny.

Louis' excuses himself to the bathroom with Harry following him like an eager puppy, bumping into at least three tables. Louis holds Harry at an arms length when he tries to get into the toilet stall with him. Harry looks at him like he's about to cry. "Why?" He whines, his big pupils staring back at Louis.

"Because I enjoy peeing alone." Louis tries to explain without laughing at Harry's state.

The bathroom is dark and quiet. The music drowned out completely.

"I can turn around!" Harry promises. 

Louis sighs. "Fine." He feels too fuzzy to care.

They enter the stall. Both. Louis pulls his pants down and Harry turns around giggling.

"Stop it. I can't pee if you keep laughing." Louis chuckles.

"Sorry I'll stop." Harry clears his throat but Louis can see his shoulders moving as if he's trying not to giggle. Then he, however, giggles. It erupts from within him. He shakes a little.

Louis sighs.


"We will never mention this."

"Ok." Harry sits down cross-legged on the cold tiles.


"You really shouldn't sit on the cold tiles." Louis quids.

"But I'm tired." Harry murmurs. His head rests against the door.

It's quiet. Louis closes his eyes, begging his bladder to relax. It does, indeed. He pees for what feels like an eternity. When he's finally done, his cheeks crimson, he quickly gets up and flushes. He tips Harry's shoulder, but he doesn't react. Louis sighs, he grabs his shoulders and shakes him a bit. No reaction.

"Harry!" He says annoyed, gently nudging him. "Come on, you can sleep at home."

The door opens outside the stall. Louis hears footsteps approaching. His heart stops momentarily. Rationally thinking there is nothing that can happen in a public bathroom. He is safe, his friends know where he is. Still he can't shake the uneasiness that consumes him. He kicks Harry lightly but he doesn't budge. Like a dead weight he falls against Louis leg.
"Are you fucking serious?" Louis curses. He crouches down beside Harry and turns his head. His eyes are closed and his mouth slack. His head falls to Louis chest, so he has no other choice than to grab Harry by his curls and pull him back. A lazy smile forms on Harry's lips.

Louis plants his palm over Harry's forehead. His cheeks are flushed. He's a bit warm but not warm enough for the heat to be feverish.

Louis takes a deep breath. He keeps his eyes focused on Harry, then grabs his nose and squeezes it. It takes not more than a minute until Harry gasps awake.

"Fucker!" Harry yaps.

Louis sighs with relief. "Thank god." He sinks down against the stall door. Beside Harry. "You scared the shit out of me." Louis laughs humorously.

"I'm a little drunk I think." Harry let's his head lull onto Louis shoulder. A thin layer of sweat covers his skin. He's flushed and his hair tickles Louis's neck.

"Yeah. Want to leave?"

Harry chuckles. He's very close. Louis feels his warm breath now on his neck. He's hyper aware of their knees touching. Harry looks up at him comically, with a doe eyed grin. His lips are bitten, red and glossy. He smells like vanilla and gin.

"I'm like," Harry giggles, then let's his hand fall onto his stomach. "So hard."

Louis looks where he probably shouldn't have looked. He giggles too.

"You can never tell anyone." Louis says, his hand is between Harry's legs. He's pretty like a piece of art. He gasps softly and spreads his legs just a bit. His lips part. Louis moves his hand again, the rough material of Harry's jeans rubs against his palm. Louis reaches for Harry's face with his free hand. He strokes over his cheek and ends up in his curls. He pulls Harry's head back, his moans ring in Louis ears. He presses his hand down, then climbs over, to position his knee between Harry's leg. He moves it a little, all the while his lips hungrily bruise Harry's exposed neck. He presses down hard. Harry's legs clamp shut around Louis' knee. He whines deep in his throat, breathing staggered. "Oh." He mumbles. Louis looks between their bodies and grins.


The sunrays light the room. A glow casts over the nightstand and Louis' clothes on the floor. He groans. His naked body is wrapped securely in a white blanket. He stretches his arms and rolls into a ball. His muscles are aching. His head pounds abd he's sure, one wrong move and he violently vomits. He squints his eyes at his nightstand, a crumpled piece of paper rests on phone. The front door clicks. Louis is yet too tired to care.

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