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The next morning, Harry is gone

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The next morning, Harry is gone. Louis wakes up cold and moody. He slept through the night with Harry, unexpectedly, in his arms. His warm back pressed to Louis' front. However, now he feels embarrassed. For numerous reasons. One being that he cuddled with Harry. Full on cuddled. He doesn't even know if Harry is into men. Was that overstepping a line?

Louis, begrudgingly, lifts the blanket and grabs jeans and a sweater. He goes into the bathroom and blinks down to the needle he left there. He kicks it aside and turns the shower on. He steps under the ice cold water. He shampoos his hair and scrubs his body clean until he's reduced to a shivering mess. He slips into his clothes and does his skin care routine. It feels monotone and not real. He started to like Harry and now he fucked it up.

He doesn't even feel hungry. He meets Niall in the kitchen and starts to make coffee. "Morning." He grumbles, not really keen to communicate this early.

Niall grabs a bowl and fills it with the healthy cereal Harry bought, "Morning." He pours the milk in and puts blueberries on top. "I've got work today, want to go for drinks after? We haven't been out in ages."

Louis face lights up. "Yeah. Sure." He could drink a few. His misery is miserable enough. A few drinks could cheer him up. He felt so down this morning. Like everything comes crumbling down on him.

Niall looks up as he sees Louis loading his coffee cup with pitch black coffee. "No breakfast?" He questions.

"Not hungry. I'll grab something later." Louis shrugs it off but really he just wants to get shit faced. He doesn't know why but Niall's suggestion made him excited.

"Alright. See you later!" Niall calls afrer him. Louis hurries out. It's dark, and the cold whisky air strikes him right in the face. He shivers, blowing into his freezing hands. Louis runs over the street to the bus stop. He steps from one foot to the other until he sees the bus. He gets on and almost passes out as soon as he leans his face against the cool window. He is so tired.


Uni takes ages. He skips lunch and heads home. It's barely noon but his classes are almost over. He can skip psychology for once. It's not too bad. Usually he skips mire and he did his homework and held a whole presentation. He's truthfully done. He has checked his phone several times, not one message from Harry. He contemplated texting first. Maybe say something really mean. He's not mad at Harry, more at himself for being attached so quickly.

He strolls home and naps until Niall gets home too. He's queasy, not exactly sick. His head is hammering. He can feel his face go from clammy to burning hot. It's that weird unmotivated bug inside him that keeps on spreading. He presses his face into his pillow.

His stomach is hurting more than ever and his nap only worsened his headache. He doesn't get up immediately. He turns and tosses a few times, scrolling aimlessly through his phone. He really does want that one tiny notification more than anything. Harry texts all the time. He's like that. In the few months he's been in Louis' home he has texted more with Harry than Niall. That says a lot. Why is it so hard to just lift the burden off his shoulders?

He drags himself up and gets ready. "Niall?" He screams as he hears the door. His toothbrush is in his mouth still.

"Not quite!" It comes back with a familiar thick Italian accent. His heart rate jumps.

"Harry!" He turns the corner on socked feet, almost sliding and falling right onto his ass. The happiness leaves his eyes when he's met with Zayn's confused figure.

Tall, handsome but not Harry. He's wearing a cap and sunglasses. Inside. He looks like a mismatched toddler. His clothes are so hideously bright. It irritates Louis.

"Sorry to disappoint." Zayn chuckles. Louis shivers. He rounds the counter a titt bit too abruptly, Louis almost flinches.

"Oh no it's fine." Louis stutters.

"Are you well?"

Louis leans against the counter, "Yeah. Bit sick."

"You look like crème cheese, love." Zayn fills a glass with water and let's it slide over the counter towards Louis.

"Thanks." He smiles meekly.


The bar is amazing. Everything Louis needed is coming right at him in form of drinks. He already downed a cowboy cocksucker shot, a glorious hole martini and two screaming orgasm cocktails.

Currently he is deeply involved with his pink silk panties. He sucks the cherry into his mouth and moves it from his left cheek to his right. His head is already cloudy and he's feeling the weight lift off his shoulders. He's not even registering the conversation he's supposed to be taken part in. Niall and Zayn are slurring on about rent and increasing prices of groceries.

Louis isn't thinking. The light is flickering between red, green, blue and a shade of violet that makes his insides turn. His eyelids are heavy and light keeps assaulting him over and over again. He takes another shot.

His drink is right there. He grabs to the left. It isn't there anymore. Shit. He turns around and opens his mouth to ask Niall where his drink went but Niall is very actively talking. He shouldn't talk now. His lips are so heavy. He catches his glass and drinks, and drinks. It's more and more. Slowly his head is swimming and spinning and it's so full that there's no room for Harry anymore.

"...however I do believe we should be trying to reduce unnecessary costs, right Lou?" Niall's looks at him, expectantly.

Louis lifts his eyes, probably grinning way too big. "Sure." He nods, "Harry should take part in it too. He's buying liquor every day! Can you believe that Niall? Probably not. You don't know about it! Hah!" He fall into a fit of laughter. Niall's face, however, changes quickly.

"What did you say?"
All four eyes are on him now. He should elaborate but the shots are currently mixing together with the unethical amount of blueberries he consumed with his drinks.

"Harry's buying liquor daily. He hides it under his bed." Louis blurts out before he leans over and covers the table in puke.

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