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"So. Boundaries?" Harry drinks a few sips. His stupid smile is so efficient.

Louis clears his throat, "Right. I think you're a dodgy asshole."

Harry's eyes widen but his grin still isn't wiped from his face. He looks almost smug. The sweet innocence he displays usually completely gone and executed.

Louis takes another sip, his glass half empty, and continues, "I don't like how you behave. You're conceited and so annoying with your cleaning shit. And don't get me started on the shit you tell Niall. You don't drink and you never did drugs? Bullshit."

Harry smirks. "Are you finished?"

Louis nods. Harry rolls his sleeves up and lights himself a cigarette. He blows the smoke away from Louis. "I'm not fond of you either. You're messy and unable to clean after yourself. I tried to be civil but you make it impossible with your snarky comments." He crosses his legs under the table and opens anither button on his shirt. "What I tell Niall is none of your business. You're so obsessed with hating me, and honestly I don't even get why."

Louis crosses his arms over his chest, furiously staring at what just came out of Harry's stupid mouth. "Because you're fucking annoying. You barge into my life and start acting like everything I own belongs to you!"

Louis blood is boiling. He can't even begin to think about why he hates Harry but now he hates Harry. He was jealous before because Niall used to replace him a lot in the past. They worked it out and it isn't an obstacle anymore but this, this is Louis nightmare repeating itself. Harry is nauseatingly pretty. The kind of handsone everyone loves too much. He is long and lean and lithe but muscular and his ass is so perky. He goes to pilates and does water fasts and his favorite food is probably bloody salad. He is perfect. Everything Louis isn't and everything Niall wants in a friend. Louis wishes he could be like Harry. That's the infuriating thing.

Harry leans forward, resting his arms on the table. "I'm sorry I gave you that impression." He says sincerely, sucking the straw in his mouth. "I know I've been a lot but this is new to me too. I don't think Niall told you but, I clean and do what I do because of things that happened to me in the past. I'm not ready to tell you yet but, I'm in therapy and I'm really trying to- you know, be better." He huffs a laugh and finishes his drink in one big gulp. His adams apple bops and Louis does not miss Harry's shaking hand, trying to hold the glass still.

He feels awful again. Not even a second drink could fix the burning sensation of shame filling his mind. He wants to gaslight himself, believe he is in the right but deep down he knows he is so wrong.

"Shit," He runs a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry." He carefully takes Harry's trembling hand and squeezes it once. "I guess I was a bit judgemental."

Harry raises an eyebrow, "A bit?" He grins and fishes the slice of an orange out of his glass to suck the juice out of it. His cheeks hollow, his eyes still on Louis.

"A bit much. I know. Peace?" He offers Harry is hand, which he gladly shakes.



Six drinks in, Harry excuses himself to the bathroom. Louis' head is heavy and the room is starting to blur at the edges. His mind is running over incoherent unimportances. He has trouble keeping himself on the barstool. A few men keep glancing over at him and for some tequila infused reason, he keeps grinning at them. Despite his usual insecurities, he feels rather ready to dance and maybe engage in some inappropriate meetings in the bathroom. He has seen multiple men go in there and come out with undone pants and flushed cheeks. He wonders what Harry is doing in there. He's been gone for a good fifteen minutes now and something about walking in on Harry naked excites him. He saw a glory hole in the wall when he himself went to relief himself but he doubts Harry would do something like that. He's a clean freak after all. Louis laughs at his own thoughts. It should feel and look ridiculous but he is simply so happy. So relieved of any anxious thoughts plaguing him.

The air is pleasantly cool inside, smoke fills the air and the faint smell of weed. He can still hear moans mixing with music and everyone seems to dance kind of. If he turns his head too fast je might fall of the chair. A thrill like being on a rollercoaster going down, fills him up. Before he can focus his eyes, he sees Harry again. He's tumbling towards the table, his drink is still in his hand. Nasty! Louis giggles. He sits down and let's his head lull forward, then looks up with a grin. The green in his eyes is stronger, his pupils gone tiny. Louis' heart flips. His blood runs cold and he's never felt such a drop of adrenaline before. His brain knows why but it is blocked, the information of why he might be worried isn't there but his body is reacting to something.

"Harry." He slurs, "What were you doing?" He sucks at his straw. He can't remember when he went from his second drink to shots and later to his sixth 'Sparkly Bottom'. The smell of strong gin triggers his gag reflex. He feels a littke sick but not sick enough to puke all over the place.

Harry leans his head on one hand and blinks his eyes funnily. "I peed."

Louis erupts in giggles. He can't stop himself, his stomavh hurts a bit from how happy he is. He wants to laugh and laugh and laugh.

"You've got snow under your nose!" Louis cackles. He wipes it away from Harry's nose. He takes Harry's cheeks in his hands, "Show me where you got it from." He says with the most serious voice he can force out. His body is vibrating with adrenaline and his head is swimming.

"Ok but if you tell anyone I might have to kill you." Harry snickers, snatching Louis hand. "I mean it. If you tell anyone-"

"You'll kill me." Louis cracks up, full on stumbling around the table, right into Harry's arms. He dances with him through the crowd of people. Always clutching his hand tightly in his. Louis feels so warm and happy that he doesn't think twice before tumbling down in front of a different table with Harry. They grin at each other, and before Louis can change his mind, he's snorting what he believes to be cocaine from Harry's sharp collarbone.

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