Chapter Three

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As the first light of dawn painted the sky in hues of gold and pink, Aisha rose from her bed, her heart already filled with anticipation for the day ahead. With practiced ease, she completed her morning routine, the familiar rituals grounding her in a sense of purpose and tradition.

Dressed in the resplendent colors of traditional Indian attire, Aisha adorned herself with intricate jewelry, each piece a symbol of her heritage and devotion. With reverence, she lit the lamps and prepared the offerings for the Ganesh ji puja, seeking blessings for the journey that lay ahead.

As the fragrance of incense filled the air, Aisha closed her eyes in prayer, her words a silent plea for guidance and strength. She felt a sense of peace wash over her, a comforting reminder that she was not alone on this path.

With the puja complete, Aisha joined her family, their faces aglow with excitement and anticipation. Together, they made their way to Yuvraj's house, the journey filled with laughter and chatter, the air alive with the promise of new beginnings.

Arriving at Yuvraj's home, Aisha's heart beat a little faster with each step. She took a deep breath, drawing courage from the love and support that surrounded her.

As they entered the familiar surroundings of Yuvraj's home, Aisha's eyes sought out her beloved, finding solace in the warmth of his smile. With her family by her side, she was ready to embark on this next chapter of their journey together, their love a beacon of hope guiding them through the uncertainties of the future.

As Yuvraj bustled about his home, his attention divided between the final wedding preparations and the laughter shared with his brothers, Yashraj and Viraj. Their banter filled the air, momentarily lifting the weight of responsibility from his shoulders.

But then, as if summoned by fate, there she was-Aisha, standing at his doorstep like a vision from a dream. Time seemed to slow as Yuvraj's gaze fell upon her, his breath catching in his throat at the sight of her beauty.

Dressed in resplendent Indian attire, Aisha exuded an ethereal grace that stole Yuvraj's breath away. Her eyes sparkled with anticipation, her smile a radiant beacon of joy that lit up the room.

For a moment, Yuvraj forgot everything-the wedding preparations, the discussions, even the presence of his brothers-as he drank in the sight of Aisha before him. In that instant, she was all that mattered, her presence filling his heart with a warmth he had never known.

As their eyes met, a silent understanding passed between them-a promise of love and devotion that transcended words. And in that fleeting moment, Yuvraj knew without a doubt that he was exactly where he was meant to be-by Aisha's side, ready to embark on a journey of love and togetherness that would last a lifetime.

Aisha's heart fluttered as she met Yuvraj's gaze, her cheeks warming with a blush as she took in his handsome appearance in his traditional Indian kurta. His presence seemed to fill the room with an undeniable charm, and she found herself unable to tear her eyes away from him.

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