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*Side mission music starts playing*
This is a little side day I've had in my mind since rereading what all I have so far, so hopefully it turns out better than it is in my head ;)


Mae looks in the mirror smiling at the out fit for the night ahead of them, (outfit at the top)

She gets out of her now topless jeep thanks to Penny's help Jeep and meets up with everyone at the hard deck, earning a scoffed laugh from Rooster, "No Mae, absolutely not. I should've figured what the 'idea' was.."

Mae smiles and slings her arm around Roosters shoulders, "come on Rooster don't a buzz kill now, what do you have left to lose?"

"My dignity." He says as he shakes his head, the group around them still wearing the same shocked look on their faces.

"Shouldn't worry you ain't got any left." Mae laughs as she walks away and back to her Jeep.

"Ain't isn't a word so I ain't gonna say it," Rooster mocks as he shakes his head.

"So.. either of you want to fill us in on what's goin on, or are we letting you lead us to death Mae?" Phoenix says as she looks between Mae and Rooster.

"Don't worry you pretty little heads dears and dorks, just hop in and let's go. Vehicles stay here tonight, brad?" Mae says as she gives Rooster a slight pleading look.

"I know the way.. let's go." He says as he head over to his bronco.

Everyone dispersing into their chosen vehicles, Mae, Hangman, Bob, Coyote, and Phoenix in Mae's Jeep. Rooster, Payback, Fanboy, Omaha, and Halo in the Bronco. They start their ride to what they'll soon find out is a line dancing fever for their crazy night ahead.

Jake's POV

As we all ride I look over at Mae from the passengers seat, who's singing along to the blasting music from her speakers, her right arm resting on the center console, and without hesitation, forgetting who else was with us. I take her hand into mind. Laughing as she stutters some of the lyrics and looking over at me then back to the road. I lean my head towards her, "mind telling me where we're going gorgeous?"

"Nope it's a surprise pretty boy." She answers with a shake of her head, going back to singing along to the music. Too my surprise not letting go of my hand, not that I want her to.

3rd POV

Nat looks at the two talking, and once Hangman pulls his head back normally. She sees them holding hands, and not so nicely smacking Coyote's leg. And motioning for him to look, whispering to him,

"Did you know?!"

"No. Well.. kinda.. they had this dance night type thing after the whole rooster thing. But it wasn't anything serious" He answers and looking at Phoenix, a smirk growing on his face, "$5 they are together by the end of this mission."

"Really coyote, betting on our friends love lives, what are we 12?.. I'm in." She says and shaking his hand. This causing Bob to move his head to join the conversation.

"Anyone else see them holding hands?" Bob states as he looks at Phoenix and Coyote, the both of them shaking their head. Then getting interrupted when Mae lets go of Hangman's hand to turn into a parking lot.

"Lady and gentlemen we have arrived, and time to get our dance on." Mae says as she excitedly parks and shutting off the hero and getting out. The three backseat riders groaning and getting out.

The whole group goes inside. Watching as Mae greets one of the bartenders and getting some drinks and pointing to one of the tables closest to the dance floor. Her then coming back and looking at everyone,

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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