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6 days ago

Mae rolls out of bed groggily and gets ready for the day, puts on her flight suit for the last day of her deployment. She smiles at the thought of being home and able to take a shower in piece. She turns on her radio quietly singing to the music as she French braids her hair then pinning it into a bun. Watching as her bunk mate Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace rolls over starting to wake up herself.

"Mae... you know, at first I never understood why you were called Tunes... now that I know... it makes more sense... but damn it's too early." Phoenix grumbles as she sits up and rubs her hands over her face.

"Well it's at least better than having a horn blare in your ears." Mae chuckles as she pats Phoenix in the back. "Want me to braid your hair again today?"

Phoenix nods and waits for Mae to sit on the bunk then sitting on the floor as Mae sings to 'Five More Minutes' by Scotty McCrerry.

"Mae, are you sure you weren't supposed to go into the music industry?" Phoenix asks in both a semi serious manner and teasingly.

Mae chuckles a bit and continues to braid her hair. "It was actually my second choice believe it or not." She responds to Phoenix's surprise as she finishes the braid and again pinning it into a bun.

"I could see it, you singing country and pop songs to thousands of people." Phoenix teases slightly as she stands up and puts her flight suit on.

"My goodness no, that's way too much attention," Mae laughs and shakes her head, her deep southern accent drawing out at the slight nervousness.

Mae stands up and head to the door to their room. "Ready for our last flight of the deployment my oh so beautiful wing-woman?" Mae asks as she opens the door for the shorter female letting her out first.

"Was born ready my lovely," Phoenix says with a smile as they make their way to their briefing/locker room for todays job and preflight check.

2 hours later

Mae head to the top deck along with Phoenix and Fanboy, him filling in as her back seater since hers is home with his wife as she gives birth to their baby.

Mae turns around and walks backwards, now facing Phoenix and Fanboy. A small smirk playing across her face. "Hey Phoenix..."

"Yeah?" She looks at Mae questioningly.

"I feel the need.." she smirks and raises her hand, Phoenix smiling.

"The need for speed!" They both say in unison as they high-five, and Mae following it with a 'Yee-haw' and putting her helmet on and climbing into her jet.

"Phoenix, are you sure her and that Rooster guy aren't related, the way you described him, well him and Tunes would get along well?" Fanboy asks as he climbs into the backseat putting his helmet on, Mae unable to hear them yet.

"Oh I'm sure, Tunes is a Metcalf through and through. And he's a Bradshaw." Phoenix says as she puts her helmet one once she's in her seat.

After a few minutes to get everything set-up Tunes, Phoenix and Fanboy are ready to fly off.

"Ghost 1 ready for launch" Tunes says as she pulls forward and shoots down the flight deck and into the air once given approval.

"Ghost 2 ready for launch," Phoenix says and follows after Tunes, the trio now in the air.

"Woo Hoo! Beautiful take off there Phoenix." Tunes compliments as Phoenix and Fanboy hear faint music through Tunes comms.

"Tunes! Did you really bring that mini radio up here?" Fanboys asks as he looks over to her. Her nodding her head.

"Sure did, strapped the darn thing in here last night," Tunes says and starting to hum to the music.

"I'm not surprised, but definitely surprised you got away with it though." Phoenix says as she shakes her head.

"Guess I'm one lucky son of a bitch," Tunes laughs.

Their calmness I quickly interrupted by Tunes quickly shutting off the radio.

"Lady and gent.. we've got two boogeys coming in 2-o'clock," Tunes says as she puts on her mask and the other two follow.

"Remember Tunes, we can't shoot unless shot at first." Phoenix warns as she watches Tunes move her f-18 move in front of her own.

"I know, but Shark didn't say we couldn't fuck around with em," Tunes says in a snarky tone as she watches the boogeys move into fighting positions. "But for now we go by them, bait them so to speak."

They calmly fly past them, the boogeys starting to tail behind Phoenix and Fanboy.


So? How is the start? Kinds left on a cliff hanger, I love and hate them but oh well.

Also, how do you guys feel about Tunes and Phoenix's friendship? Yes I intentionally made them kinda like Maverick and Goose in a way.

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