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Normally you wouldn't be eating lunch from the dining hall near your dorm, it was a little too pricy for your taste, and there better local option around too. But this time was different.

Earlier in the day, you stopped by one of the booths around your campus the school had set up, and spun a prize wheel. You weren't expecting much, maybe just a lanyard or cheap keychain, but to your surprise, you won a free pizza from the dining hall!

You'd probably just eat a slice or two before stashing the rest for later, already imagining Gorou's tail wagging in happiness.

"You! Hey! You there with the [color] hair!"
Was someone calling for you?

The voice was unfamiliar, and there weren't many people you'd know who'd just call out for you like that out in public.

You looked around the room and found a large guy with long white hair hurdling towards you. You felt your heart drop to your stomach as you clocked who he was.

The hair, the loud personality, the red horns?!

"You! Do you remember me?!"
Itto asked, panting heavily from his quick sprint.

Normally you'd try to lie and gather information so you'd be able to play it cool, but you had no idea what the oni might want you to do, so you told the truth.

"Sorry, I'm not sure I do. Maybe you could jog my memory?"

Without asking, he sat down next to you,
"You're (y/n), right?"

You nodded hesitantly, and watched his expression brighten.

"I knew we'd be reunited one day!"
He exclaimed, wrapping an around your shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I still don't really understand,"
You interjected.

"Don't you remember? Way back when we were little, you saved me from a bunch of bullies!"

Just as you were about to deny the memory, your vision blurred, with you seemingly being transported to the past.

You watched a younger version of you walking on the street.

'This seems about right...'

A blinding flash of light obscured your vision, and once it'd dissipated, you saw yourself standing in front of a boy on the ground, staring down a group of older children.

This was not how things played out, this never even happened! Was your wish rewriting history?!

As you blinked, you realized you were back in the present. You put a hand on your forehead,
"I think... I think I'm starting to remember..."

The large oni beamed at you,
"That's great!"

More people arrived, a girl with green hair, presumably Shinobu, and two other regular people watched as Itto clung onto you.

"Is this that (y/n) guy you're always talking about, boss?"
She asked.

Itto nodded enthusiastically,
"Yup! Isn't he the coolest?!"

Itto went on to explain how when some rude kids were throwing beans at him, you intervened, pushing them away and walking him back home.

"Aw man, I always looked up to you dude, you're literally my hero! That's why I decided to start my own gang!"
He boasted, hoping for your praise.

Starting a gang because someone helped you out didn't really have a solid line of logic to you, but you'd literally wished people into existence, so.

"I'm happy things worked out for you, Itto,"
You mustered up the warmest smile you could, somehow making Itto smile even more.

"It was nice catching up, but I'm gonna bring this pizza back for my roommate,"

You stood up with the pizza, but were stopped when you felt something cling onto you.

"Wait! Do you wanna hang out tomorrow? We totally need to hang out more, man!"
He asked.

You hesitated for a moment, something he noticed and took action towards.

How was a guy as big as this able to do puppy dog eyes so well?!

You sighed,
"Sure, sounds fun,"

He laughed happily releasing you,
"I'll see you tomorrow then! Don't forget it!"

He ran off with the rest of his entourage, gushing more about how cool it was to finally meet you. While it was nice to have a fanboy, it seemed like it'd only cause trouble for you later on.


"Thanks again for the pizza, (y/n)!"
With his tail wagging happily, Gorou ate your pizza.

"No problem. Do you know a guy named Itto?"

Gorou nodded,
"Yeah, we're friends. Did you meet him today?"

"Well apparently I met him like, 12 years ago when we were kids, and he thinks I'm some kind of hero or whatever,"

The puppy general tilted his head,
"Isn't that a good thing?"

You shrugged,
"I just feel like he'll be disappointed when he realizes I'm just a normal person,"

"That's not true at all! You're totally a hero!"
Gorou spoke with passion, something which he was immediately embarrassed about.

"Sorry I came on a little strong there, but I'm telling the truth!"

You raised a brow,
"How so?"

"Well, you always bring me food and desserts, plus, you're always super nice to me!"

You chuckled,
"Those are good traits, but not really hero worthy,"

Your roommate pouted, not quite sure how to get you to realize just how great you were.

"Anyways, I'm gonna head to the library to study. I'll be back around sunset,"

Gorou nodded, watching you pack up your stuff to prepare for your journey, when suddenly your face came dangerously close to his.

"Hold on, you've got some crumbs on you,"
You used your thumb to wipe the pizza crumbs off his face, his face heating up like the sun.

"See ya!"
You closed the door behind you, and after making sure you weren't coming back, Gorou collapsed on the bed, his face a bright beet red.

How could you not notice what you were doing to him?!


Big oni friend you could totally to

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