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"And my friend Kazuha goes here too! Maybe you'll meet him, he's majoring in literature,"
Gorou continued to talk about his friends, with all of his descriptions matching up pretty good with how the characters were like in the game.

"Oh I forgot to ask, what're you majoring in?"
He asked you.

"Oh I'm still undeclared. I have an idea do what I want to do, but I'm not so set in stone about it,"
You answered, becoming confused as you saw his face light up into a smile.

"That means you're just doing general education classes, right? What're you taking for natural science?"
He asked excitedly.

His tail wagged vigorously and his ears shot straight up as he waited for your answer.

"I signed up for intro to geology,"

His tail shook even faster,
"What section?!"

You inches away from him slightly,
"I got into section CE,"

The excitement that'd been building up inside of him finally bursted when he heard this,
"Me too! Oh I'm so glad I'll have a friend in that class!"

Not really knowing what you were doing, you rubbed the guy's head. His face went pink as he made a sound he wasn't so proud of.

"Oh sorry, I'm not sure why I did that,"
You apologized.

He shook his head,
"I-it's alright. Anyways, I'm really happy I know someone taking geology, I don't have any other classes with friends, and I was afraid I'd get lonely,"

His ears drooped as he thought of being all alone, and you put a hand on his shoulder to try and cheer him up.

"Let's be great friends then! Hey, I heard there's a cake shop nearby, why don't we get one to celebrate moving in?"

His ears perked up at this, but he wasn't so sure.

"It's my treat,"
You added.

With that, he was already at the door, hurrying you to get ready.


"Are you able to eat chocolate?"
You asked with concern as Gorou stared intently at the chocolate lava cake on display.

"I might have dog ears and a tail, but I don't have dog allergies,"
He said with a grin.

You chuckled,
"Okay then, we'll get the chocolate lava cake,"

You ordered the cake, receiving it in a fancy little box. Gorou was beyond happy that he was getting along with his new roommate. Something about this all seemed so new to him, and not just because he was starting college.

Meanwhile you were still trying to figure out whether or not you were hallucinating all of the Genshin characters you were seeing walk around campus. There was no way they could be real, right? This had to be some sort of trick!

But then again, maybe you'd enjoy it for a while, after all, it was fulfilling your wish of a more eventful college experience.

And Gorou was kind of cute, you had to admit.

Every now and then you'd notice his eyes shift towards the cake box in your hands, almost as if he was afraid it'd disappear or that you'd somehow eat it all while he wasn't looking.

Eventually the two of you made it back to the dorm, and you slowly sliced the cake in two, the both of you watching the liquid chocolate inside spill out.

"You can have the first slice,"
You lifted half of the small cake onto a plate, and handed it to your roommate with a fork.

He smiled brightly at you, and practically inhaled his cake, humming satisfactorily.

"I'll pay you back for this someday, don't worry (y/n)!"

You shook your head,
"It's fine, I told you it's my treat,"

You used your fork to cut out a bite sized portion of your cake, and ate it. It was moist, airy, and chocolatey, just as advertised!

College would be different from high school. This time, you'd involve yourself with more people than just your close friends, you'd go out and try new things, and you'd totally have at least one boyfriend!

Once you'd finished your cake, Gorou asked,
"I was gonna eat dinner with my high school friends, you should totally come with!"

"That sounds nice, but I've already got plans,"
Also you weren't sure if you'd be able to deal with seeing more video game characters in the real world today.

After a little while, he left, leaving you alone in your room.

Immediately you started searching on the internet to see if anyone else had noticed what you noticed. But there was nothing! It was as if history had rewritten itself with these new characters, making them all seem like regular people.

Even people with animal features became a normal sight to see, which raised some ethical concerns for you when considering the pet industry.

And how the hell couldn't your friend see the resemblance between your roommate and his video game counterpart? Was it part of the wish magic, or were you truly just going insane?

Either way, you were more worried about doing well in your classes than whatever might've happened to reality.

You didn't feel hungry that night, and just ate a quick snack before heading to bed.


You woke up in the middle of the night to a strange sound, and sat up while trying to identify it. It was coming from your roommate's bed, and curious as to the source, you shined a flashlight onto him.

My roommate whimpers in his sleep
Save me please

I thought you were into that


Well there isn't much you can do
You can tell in the morning

I don't want to humiliate him

It'd be funny if you did though

You're so right

You shut your phone off and tried to block out the strange noises your roommate made, and eventually fell asleep.


Happy puppy roommate

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