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Ty for 2k+ reads you are all amazing

You got to the hotpot place and were quickly flagged down by Gorou, who seemed to have been waiting anxiously for you.

"(Y/n), you're here!"
He said cheerfully as you sat down.

"Indeed I am. I hope you two didn't wait long,"

Kokomi shook her head,
"It's fine, we were only here for a minute. Do you have any allergies?"

"Not really, oh but I'm deathly allergic to dogs, can't even be in the same room as them!"
You said with a dramatic intonation.

Kokomi seemed to catch onto your sarcasm, but unfortunately Gorou wasn't aware, his ears pressed flat on his head as he looked at you with a shocked expression.

"D-deathly allergic?! But I-"
He stammered.

Noticing her friends distress, Kokomi sighed before lightly pinched his arm,
"Gorou, he's joking. How else would he have been able to survive as your roommate for so long?!"

He seemed to be able to understand that much and managed to laugh a little at your joke, exhaling with relief.

"You scared me for a second there!"
He said with an embarrassed smile.

Just how gullible was this dogboy?
"I'll try not to do that again,"

After a minute or two, your platters of meats and veggies arrived, and with the soup sitting in the middle of the table coming to a boil, it was time to eat.

In between (just found out that's two separate words and not just one) the times where you are and cooked your meet, Kokomi would usually ask you a question.

"(Y/n), whats your favorite dessert?"

"If you were stranded on an island, what food would you take with you?"

"What are the first five digits of pi,"

"Would you help an elderly woman even if you were late for an interview?"

"Let's say hypothetically you have a roommate, and your hypothetical room catches on fire, would you save your hypothetical roommate?"

"Whats your favorite type of dog?"

"My favorite type of dog is sitting right across from me,"
You replied to the last question, taking delight in how Gorou's composure lit up upon hearing your answer.

"I've got to go to the bathroom, leave some food for me!"
Gorou announced before walking off.

You stared at Kokomi for a few moments before asking,
"So what's with the interrogation?"

"You noticed?"

You rolled your eyes,
"Well you weren't super discrete about it,"

She sighed,
"I'm sorry, I just wanted to be sure,"

You raised a brow,
"Sure of what?"

"That Gorou's roommate wasn't taking advantage of him,"
She said while averting your eyes.

"What the hell?! I wouldn't-"
You started only to be cut off.

"I know that, but the way he talked about you made you seem too good to be true, and as much as I hate to admit it, Gorou is very easily taken advantage of,"

The main thing you didn't like about the interrogation was that it distracted you from your food and actually made you think. It was sweet to see that Kokomi really cared for her best friend, and you could understand why she might be weary of the people he befriended.

"But I can see now that you're a good person, and I'm trusting you with him now,"

You gave her a mock salute,
"You've got nothing to worry about, ma'am,"

The two of you shared a small laugh, with Gorou returning shortly after.

"Whats so funny?"
He asked.

"Oh it's nothing,"
Kokomi assured him.

"Yeah, you better get to cooking before I eat all the meat!"
You added.

"Don't you dare!"


Because on one hand he's a general and great at that
But he was Lowkey stupid in his hangout and his voice lines I'm not gonna lie

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