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"Albedo! I'm here!"
You called out while knocking on his front door.

After a moment, you could hear frantic footsteps running towards the door, and soon, he opened it to greet you.

He stood there calmly as if he hadn't run to the door, his slightly red face and not-so-quiet breathing also giving him away.

"Would you like to eat something before we head out?"
He asked politely.

You shook your head,
"I'm good, and I already packed snacks,"

While you and the chalk prince chit-chatted a little more, a little girl soon entered the picture.

"Big brother (Y/n)! Are you going with my big brother to the mu... the muse... the..."
She trailed off as she tried to figure out the rest of the word.

"The big place with the dinosaurs?"
She ended up asking.

You chuckled, squatting down to pat her head,
"Yup! Your big brother was nice enough to invite me out,"

She looked at Albedo with wide eyes,
"Are you two going on a d-"

He quickly picked the girl up, cutting off her sentence.
"Yes, Klee, we are going to buy you a souvenir,"

He looked up at you quickly,
"Let's go,"

Albedo hurriedly left the house with you, shutting the door behind him and locking it.

"Sorry about that,"

You chuckled, patting his back,
"Don't worry, it was funny,"

He managed to laugh with you, and the two of you began your trek to the museum, which wasn't all that long.

It didn't seem to be a busy day, so you and Albedo made it to the admissions desk quickly, with him submitting his free passes. The clerk gave the two maps of the museum along with a free lanyard, and the two of you were let loose to explore for yourselves.

"If only the wooly mammoths were still alive today, they would've been cool to see,"
You mused while looking up at the colossal skeleton.

Albedo hummed in response, writing some things down on a notepad.

"You've got a favorite skeleton, Albedo?"
You questioned, going to his side.

He tilted his head as he thought,
"Not in particular. Though I do find the discourse surrounding some dinosaur skeletons interesting,"

You raised a brow,
"How so?"

He flipped his notepad to an empty page, holding it out so you could see.

"There's some evidence suggesting that dinosaurs like the Tyrannosaurus rex had feathers and looked a lot more like modern birds than the popular interpretations,"

You nodded as he sketched it out,
"Which explains how they're related to chickens, right?"

He nodded,
"The thing is, there's still only so much we can gather from their bones alone, we could be completely wrong about them entirely,"

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