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"Welcome to art history! I hope you all..."

Looking around, the professor seemed disappointed by the fact that there were only three other people in the class with you.

And semi-unfortunately for you, they all were characters.

Albedo, Zhongli, and Alhaitham.

Luckily for you though, you'd checked the syllabus before you signed up for the class which stated that there wouldn't be any group projects.

"Well I hope the four of you will come to love the progression of art throughout history as I do. Since there aren't that many of you, why don't we do a little ice breaker activity?"


Thinking about it logically, the best person to talk to would be Zhongli, who you felt would be the most receptive to talking with a complete stranger.

So you got out of your seat and...

He was already talking with the teacher.

"I like the keychains on your bag,"
The voice next to you spoke up.

"Thanks, I got it from..."

What the hell is this?! I didn't buy this keychain!

You couldn't exactly tell him that, so you tried to play it cool.
"I got it on Etsy, I really like the artist's designs,"

As Albedo smiled, you couldn't help but feel proud over your victory. That lie was so smooth even you believed it!

"I'm glad you like my artwork. I have a few spares at my dorm, I could give you one if you'd like,"

You gasped,
"You made them? They're amazing!"

"Thank you. I'm Albedo,"
He extended his hand towards you, and you shook it happily.

"I'm (y/n), I hope we can get along well,"

The two of you shared a few more words before you decided to attempt to speak with Alhaitham. Chances were, it'd lead to nothing, but at least you could say you tried.

"Hi, I'm (y/n), nice to meet you!"


The gray haired man just continued to read his book, paying you no mind.

Well damn okay.

You moved onto your next target, who just so happened to finish his lengthy conversation with your teacher.

"Hi there, I'm (y/n). How old are you?"

A few moments of silence passed as you internally crucified yourself for what you said. What the hell was wrong with you?! I mean it was a valid question considering his video game counterpart had lived for centuries, and it'd be a bit odd of that carried over here.

Thankfully, the old man turned young twink found your question funny, and laughed.

"You're quite the comedian, (y/n). I'm 19,"

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