32 Reunion

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They found the exact location now . So it's time for final bettle and this time it's actually end of this game .

Tharn : *in his thoughts* i am coming baby for you and my brother -in - law just bear sometime we are coming to save you guys and this time I will make sure that I will kill that bastard with my own hands

Mew: brother... Stop thinking now. We are going to save our babies and I will make sure that I will kill that asshole with my own hand ... Zee tell our man that be ready in 10 minutes.

Kao : brothers... Here you can communicate from this device. I can hear you from wherever you are and we can also locate you . Best of luck brothers

Tharn : Tong, bright, boat when you reach there please call kao okay ? And contact with us also..

Bright: okay ..

Roy : I also come with you

Bright: you are badly injured just stay here and guide us.

Roy : No I also come if dew is in the danger then I will also help him if he die then I also die with him...

Bright: but...

Tharn : it's ok bright let him also he know the direction so he can help us

Roy : Thank you prince Tharn ...

Tharn : just call me Tharn uncle

Zee : Tharn & Mew our mens are ready I think we should go now

Jeanie: take care my children I hope you guys find my sons...

Emma : Tharn & mew promise us that this time you guys save them...

Tharn & Mew : yes mom

Mew : Dad we are going...

Drake : take care sons and bring my son-in-laws back..

[ Author 's pov :-]

They all get in car it is more than 50 cars Drake and kao giving them directions and continuosly guiding them...

Now they are divided in two groups one group is going to save type & gulf and another group are going to save dew. We still don't know what 's going to happen next.

Mansion :-

Type & gulf are tired in chair their hands and legs are tied they have blindfolded and numbers of bodyguard was their

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Type & gulf are tired in chair their hands and legs are tied they have blindfolded and numbers of bodyguard was their.

Gulf : brother are you there ?

Type : yes but feel nusense here. I can't feel good . When our husband are coming to save us ?

Art : no one coming to save both of you. Your husband doesn't know about this place.. now you guys are going to die soon...

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