Chapter 4

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Stripe streched his ams.
"Sock is finally asleep," sighed Stripe.
"She's a tuffy!"
Stripe flopped on the couch as Trixe walked into the room, pulling her raven hair out of its ponytail.
Trixie flopped down beside him.
"Isn't it Bandits birthday coming up?"
Stripe scoffed.
"Stripe. He's still your brother,"
"Brothers don't leave, brothers,"
Trixie thought to herself.
"Muffles and Socks haven't seen their cousin in almost five years," she took a big breath, "We might need to assume the worse,"

Stripe shook his head and pulled out a sports magazine.
"You're overthinking this Trix,"
Trixie huffed.
"What if I'm not? What is something bad happened. Like they all got lost or kidnapped!"
"OK, now your over reacting," he licked his finger and turned the page.
Trixie sighed and rested her head on the back of the couch.
"We offered to take the kids for a weekend to allow Bandit and Chili to figure it out. Then they ghosted us,"

Trixie twirled her thumbs.
"I know, but I just have this nagging feeling,"
Stripe flipped the page.
"Are you even listening to me?"

Small footsteps hobbled down the stairs.
"Mum?" Said a small voice.
Trixie sighed. Stripe dropped the magazine on his face and pretended to snore.
Trixie jabbed him in his side.
"Yes, Socks?"
A small girl with a face full of freckles with black disheveled hair. She curled up onto her mother's side.
"Is Uncle Bandit, Aunt Chili, Bluey and Bingo, ok?"

Stripe removed the magizine from his face. He bit his lip.
Trixie stroked her hair.
"I don't know, honey,"
Stripe opened his mouth. Not only could he find the words but a vibration in his pocket.
"Hello?" He answered.
"Stripe," a low voice growled.
"R-R-Radley, what's up?"
Trixie raised an eyebrow. Socks' eyelids began to droop.
"Pack a week of clothes, and drop the kids off at Mums,"

Stripe's mouth opened. Trixie pointed to his phone. Stripe placed it on speaker.
Radley grumbled.
"I said, pack a week of clothes, and drop the kids off at Mums. I already arranged everything ready,"
Stripes finger hovered over the hang-up button.
"Don't hang up, Stripe," Radley scowled.

Trixie placed a hand Stripes arm.
"Is everything alright, Radley?"
Mumbling came through the speaker.
"Are the kids with you?
Socks crawled over Trixie to speak into the phone.
"I'm right, he-he-here Uncle Rad," she sputtered out before falling asleep.
"Never mind. She is asleep now. But Rad what?"
"Radley, hand me phone," a voice offered.

"Hello, sorry for being vague," You already know Frisky is throughing a look at Radley.
"It's Bluey and Bingo,"
Trixie picked up Socks.
"What about Bluey and Bingo?"
Frisky took a deep breath.
"They're in troubled,"
Stripe placed his elbows on his knees.
"What do you mean, "In trouble?'"

"As in home isn't safe,"
Trixie swayed, trying to keep Socks asleep.
"Are Bandit and Chili OK? Are they safe? What's the problem?"
Frisky pauses before saying, "They're the problem,"

Trixie stopped swaying. Stripes frowned, and his brow became creased.
Trixie eyes became wide. Stripe ran a hand through his hair.
"You're positive? The girls weren't joking,"
"Were sure. The girls are clearly banned from phones and stuff. We heard Bandit threaten them,"
"And Chili?" Trixie whispered.
"Honest? She might be neglecting or disregarding them,"

Socks snored.
"I better put Socks into bed," Trixie said sadly, "Thank you for calling us,"
She left the room.
"Are you still with us, Stripe?" Radley asked.
Stripe ran a hand down his face.
"So this where they've been this whole time,"
"I'm sorry,"
Stripe chuckled.
"With hell to him!" Stripe snarled.
"Can I count on you?"

Stripe chuckled darkly.
"He's gonna pay for everything,"


"Who the hell are you talking to Bluey," A new voice came.
"I love you guys," Bluey sniffled.
"Hand me the phone Bluey or so fucking help me!"
Bluey hung up the phone and made a mad dash for her bedroom.

Bandit was quicker.
He grabbed the back of Blueys shirt and through her against the wall. Stars speckled her vision, but she managed to she him gripping a glass beer bottle.
Bandit grabbed Blueys hair and pinned her head up.
"Who the fuck were you talking to? The cops?"

Bluey wrinkled her nose.
"How may beer's have you had?"
He smashed Blueys head against the wall. She bit her tongue. Blood coated her taste buds as she blinked in and out of consciousness.
"Answer the damn question,"
Bluey struggled against his grip. Earing pain shooting throughout her skull.
"Answer mine, and maybe we have a deal,"
"Don't be a smart-ass. Who were you talking to?"
Bluey flipped him off. Bandit lifted Blueys head, ready to bash it against the wall. Bingo charged at him, hands opened. Her fingertips brushed the bottle. Bandit retracted his arm and elbowed Bingo hard in the face. She screamed. She covered her left eye, tears streaming down her face.

Bluey pried Bandits fingers from her hair. Bandit only tighten his grip. Left with her only option, she kicked his free wrist and the bottle went flying out of his hand.

Glass scattered the floor like glitter. Bandit stared at the shatter bottle.
"You little shit,"
He turned to Bluey and drew back his face. Bluey closed her eyes, bracing for the pain.

A car honked freezing Bandit in place. His fingers entwined from Bluey's hair. She ran a hand over head. A bruise already began to form. Bandit stumbled to the window. He swore.

A man with pale brown hair geled down, restricting the wind from messing it up smirked at him. He wore a tight suit and flashed Bandit a cheeky grin. His face was winking and holding up a key on his car. The mystery man winked at him.
"Banditans! You missed me?"
Bandit growled.
"Bucky Dunstan,"

♡Hello Amis! Sorry for taking a wee bit longer on this chapter!
The ideas for this story are going all over the place!

Anyways! I'm so glad people are enjoying this story!
Stay safe, Amis!!♡

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