Chapter 3

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♤Spoiler From The Sign♤

Radley paced back in and forth, his lips pursed together. He had his hands behind his back.
"Radley, stop and take a deep breath,"
Radley paused his pacing shoo his hands and gave a weak smile to his wife. She bounced their one year-old son on her knee whose curly blonde hair was waving about.

Radley leaned in and gave a peck on her forehead.
"What would I do without you, Frisky?"
She grinned.
"A lot of dumb things,"
He smiled, but I ultimately fell.

He ran his hands down his face.
"It's been five years, Frisk," he returned to his pacing, "Why haven't we heard anything from them?"
"I don't know,"
"They wouldn't cut us off. Something bad had to happen. Chili didn't even come to your body shower!"

The bady cooed.
"Even Cooper agrees with me!"
Frisky laughed.
Radley kept pacing. Frisky frowned.
"What are you saying, Radley?"
He ran his hands through his hair, messy his blonde hair. He shook his hands put and faced Frisky.
"I'm saying we should prepare for the worst,"

Frisky gasp.
"Radley, no! I'm sure they're fine!"
Radley shook his head. He sat on the couch beside Frisky, putting his head on his hands.
"I know my brother. This isn't like him," he sighed.
Frisky leaned against Radley.
"What can I do to help?"
Radley opened his mouth to speak but was ultimately cut off.
"Ow! Copper! Let go of Mummy's hair!"
Radley carefully pried Coopers tiny fingers from a chunck of Frisky's hair. He picked up Cooper and stood him up on his thighs.

Frisky ran three fingers through her hair.
"What can I do to help?"
Radley bounced Cooper.
"I don't know, Frisk. I'm outta options,"
Frisky hummed to herself.
"What about Stripe and Trixie? Maybe they can help,"
"No, they have their hands full with Muffin and Socks,"
Frisky placed a hand on Radleys shoulder.
"There a good chance Bluey and Bingo haven't seen Muffin and Socks in a long time. Maybe we should,"
Radley pulled Copper in closer.

"I would also feel bad barging in,"
Frisky leaned against Radley.
"I know, but we might have to,"
Radley nodded.
They sat in silence. Frisky checked her phone for the time.
"We should probably put Cooper down,"
Radley scooped up Cooper.
Cooper scowled at Radley, then at Frisky.
She stiffled a laugh.
"Little man knows what's going on," chuckled Radley.

Frisky's phone began to vibrate in her hand. She checked the number. She gasped.
"What? Who is it?" He asked, trying to look at the number
Frisky placed a hand on Radley's chest.
"Place Cooper in the play pen?"
Radley stared at Frisky. She shooed him
"Quickly Radley Heeler!" She scowled.

Radley carefully placed Cooper in the play pen and handed him his blanket.
Frisky sat on the couch and answered. She placed in on speaker phone as Radley sat beside her.
"Aunt Frisky? Is that you?" A small voice asked.
Frisky cried.
"Bingo, is that you?!"
A small sob came from the phone.
"Aunt Frisky, is Uncle Rad with you?"
"I'm right here, kiddo," Radley answered.
"Can you come and get us?"
Frisky and Radley exchanged looks.
"Why?" Asked Frisky.
"Because Bandit and Chili aren't our parents," a new voice mumbled.
Friskys eyes widen.
"Bluey, is that you?"
"Yes, Bluey is with me," answered Bingo.
Frisky bit her lip and looked at Radley.

They were thinking the same thing.
"You mean Mum and Dad?"
A scoff mumbled through the speakers.
"They don't deserve the title Mum and Dad,"
Radley sucked in a breath.
"What's happening at home, girls?" Radley asked.
No one answers.
"Bad things," Bingo whispers.
"Specify. Come one, Bingo!" Encouraged Frisky.
"They hit us,"
Radley swore under his breath. Frisky jabbed him.
"Don't hit him, Aunt Frisky. Dad says them all the time. Bluey says some too,"
"And I'm not ashamed of it,"
Radley curled his fist. Frisky placed a hand on them.

"Are you girls safe?" Frisky asked.
"Right now we are," whimper Bingo, recalling the scene from earlier.
"What do you mean right now?"
Bingo moaned.
"Bandit left a pan on a hot element which was full of food. When we came home to we, we smelt something burning. I rushed inside. With my shoes still on. Once I removed the pan, Bandit came up behind me. He must have had something to drink. He got mad at me, and I couldn't keep my mouth shut. I practically deserved it. Then he slapped me," Bluey took a deep breath.

She continued, "he grabbed my shirt and pressed me against the stove, where the element was still hot. Most of my hair burned off," she finished.
Frisky covers her mouth in horror and looks over at Radley.
He started hyperfoucused at the floor. His mouth twisted into a snarl.
"That bastard,"
Radley glanced at Cooper, who laid fast asleep in the play pen.

"How are you girls holding up?"
The phone received a few muffled noises.
"Bingo go to your room,"
Bingo sniffed.
"I love you Aunt Frisky, you too Uncle Rad," Bingos voice said far away.
Frisky's stomach dropped.
"Girls? Whats going on?"

"Who the helk are you talking to Bluey," A new voice came.
Radley paled. Bandit.
"I love you guys," Bluey sniffled.
"Hand me the phone Bluey or so fucking help me!"
The phone went quite. Frisky's phone hell from her hand.
"We have to tell Stripe," she said looking at the ground.
His face went dark. His nose was wrinkled.
"Call Stripe. We drop of Copper at Mums,"
Frisky hugged him.
"I'm going to teach him a lesson. Or hes dead to me!"

♡Hello Ami's. I think this story is going really well! I hope you guys are enjoying this story as much as I am!

I want to here your thoughts! Let me know about some ideas you have. Also educate me on the Australian school system!

Until next time Ami's♡

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