Chapter 5

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"Bucky Dunstan,"

Bluey stumbled towards Bingo. Pain flared on the back of her head, and she fell to her knees. Stars danced across her vision. Bluey closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Bingo pressed herself against the wall shaking. She cupped her left. Tears continued down her face.

Bluey crawled toward her sister.
Bluey sat beside her sister.
"Let me see," she whispered.
Bingo shook her head. Bluey gentle took Bingos hand. Bluey pressed her lips together.
"It hurts, Bluey," whispered Bingo, crying harder.

A bruise the size of a baseball started to take place. The bruise slowly started to turn blue, and other spots were the color of a grape.
Bluey picked up Bingo and placed her on her bed.
"I know it's a black eye," Bingo said.
"I don't know how to help you,"

Bingo grabbed Blueys hand and gave a weak smile.
"You agreed to call them," she said in a hushed voice, "That will be enough help,"
Bluey brought Bingos hand to her forehead.
"What if they don't come?"
Bingo shook her head.
"Stop being a douter, Bluey,"

Bluey kissed Bingos cheek.
"I need to figure out dinner," she stood,
Bingo nodded and rolled onto her side.

Bluey walked out of Bingo's room. Bandit stood at the window mumbling to himself.
She debated kicking him in the ass but decided to focus on dinner. She gripped the stairwell as a dizzy spell came over her. Her head pounded.
Dinner first, help Bingo, and deal with my possible concussion later.
And she stumbled down the stairs.


Bucky Dunstan flashed Bandit a grin.
"What do you want," Bandit slightly slurred.
Bucky put a hand behind his ear.
"Sorry mate, but why don't we chat on the same ground?"
Bandit curled his fist. He slammed the window shut and stomped past all the broken glass. Bucky knocked at the door.
Bandit through it open.
"What do you want?"
Bucky flashed him a smile.
"I'm here to talk about the house,"

Bandit raised an eyebrow.
"I never called you,"
Bucky patted Bandit, still smiling.
"It was the Misses!" He peered past Bandits shoulder. "Say, where is Chili?"
Bandit shrugged Bucky's hand off.
"Not here,"

Bucky pulled out a note pad with a small pen.
"Ah well, guess it up to us,"
Bandit glared at Bucky.
"Why are the hel-," Bandit paused, choosing his words right, "What are you doing here,"
Bucky laughed.
"Your funny one! Anyways, let's talk about pricing,"
Bandit curled his fist.
"What are you talking about?"
Bucky chuckled.
"You guys selling the house!" He exclaimed.
Bandit gapped at him.
"Who told you that?"

Bucky, who was still smiling, dropped his hands.
"Uh, your wife? She said the fam was thinking about leaving. New city new life,"
Bandit looked at the ground. Bucky scribbled some notes.
"We just have to fix up the lawn. Touch up on the paint job," He tapped his pen on this chin.
"So how about two mi-"

"Excuse me?" 
Bandit placed a fist to the wall.
"This house isn't for sale,"
Bucky nervously fidget with the collar of his shirt.
"Well, uh," he rubbed his hands together, "Maybe we could sit down and figure out a price,"
"Didn't you hear me?" Bandit growled, "This house isn't for sale," he pushed Bucky towards the stairs.
Bucky cleared hir throat.
"You may have had a miscommunication  with Chili or -"
Bandit shoved Bucky down the stairs. He  fell on his bottom with a welp.
"Bandit! What the heck?"

Bandit glared.
"Not for sale, Bucky,"
He spat near Bucky's feet.
"Now, you better get the hell off of my property,"
He curled his fist.
"Or I be happy to rid of you myself,"

Bucky collected his pen and paper and scrambled up. Brushing himself off, he attempted to regain composure.
"You've changed Bandit,"
Bandits fist unclenched. He raised his eyebrows.
Bucky laughed a pained laugh.
"What did you think I noticed it?" His eyes became dark. "You're now a sad drunk bastard, who could no longer hold on to god damn job if his life depended on it,"
Bucky pressed his car keys, giving a beep notifying him that his car had become unlocked 
"I see it on you,"
Bucky turned his back to Bandit.
"I can only assume what's going on in your household,"
Cocked his head and faced him.
"And if my assumptions are correct, I should be calling the cops to save your kids from you,"

"Get the fuck off my fucking property bastard,"
Bucky shook his head and opened the door to his car.
"Your just proving my theories right," and he drove off.

Bandit slammed the door and swore at it. Let's be honest, Bucky should call the cops. He had a problem. He ran a hand down his face. Bandit chuckled to himself. Chilli had to be so drunk to even consider selling the house. 

A knock at the door snapped Bandit out of his thought. Bucking Fucking Dunstan. He called the cops. Bandit saw red. He through the door open. 
"You got a lot of shit to come-"
Broad hands squeezed Bandits neck. He stumbled backwards with the mystery person falling on top of him.

Bandit attempted to breathe only to make a gurgling sound.
"Your dead,"

♡Hello Amis! Holy cow! I've had no freaking motivation to write this chapter. This is a pretty short chapter. I do hope you guys are enjoying this.

But, I have a question: Team Jean-Luc or Mackenzie?
Let me know!

Until next time, Amis!♡

Broken A Bluey AU Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora