Something More

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You woke up the next morning not remembering the events of last night. You didn't even notice Emily was in bed next to you.

It must've been early in the morning when you woke up, because you couldn't see anything. You wondered why you didn't have any clothes on, but brushed the thought aside as you threw on shorts and t-shirt.

You stood up to walk to the bathroom, and your knees felt weak. When you walked into the bathroom, you gasped at your reflection. You had a trail of dark marks down your neck. Oh my God.

The events of last night started to resurface in your memory. You remember you and Emily confessing your love to each other, and then you remember Emily being on top of you. You smirk to yourself remembering how amazing last night was.

You ran back into your room and see Emily's clothes from the night before discarded around the bed. Emily is sleeping peacefully on her side. You went back into the bathroom, not wanting to wake her up.

You washed your face and after you dried it off, you look more closely at the marks on your neck. You touched your neck lightly where there seemed to be a bite mark.

All of a sudden you felt hands on your waist. You looked up into the mirror to see Emily smiling ear to ear, placing her chin on your shoulder.

You place your hands on hers arms, keeping them on your waist.

"Morning, love." She says, turning you around to face her.

"Good morning, lovey." You reply, placing a gentle kiss on her lips.

"You did some serious damage to me last night."

You say to her, turning your head so she can see the bite marks on your neck.

"Oh wow. Sorry?" She hesitates whether to be sorry or not and starts giggling.

You roll your eyes at her.

"Can we go out to dinner tonight?" Emily asks you.

"Of course hunny."

She grins and heads over to the sink to wash her face and brush her teeth.

After a relaxing day with Emily, you were both getting dressed up for dinner. Even though you were out the night before, you both couldn't wait to be able to go out together as an official couple.

Emily walked out of the bathroom as you were putting on your jewelry. You looked at her in awe. She wore a long black dress with a deep v-neck. Your eyes drifted down to her chest.

"My eyes are up here, baby." She says in a way that's obvious she's aware of how good she looks.

"You look stunning." You say with your mouth still hanging open.

"Y/n, you look so beautiful." She says, ignoring your compliment.

"I love you so much." You say walking up to her, placing a lock of her blonde hair behind her ear.

"Not as much as I love you." She kisses your cheek gently.

When you arrived at the restaurant, your driver opened the door for the two of you. You walked hand in hand into a high end restaurant in Brooklyn.

No one had spotted either one of you yet. When you had reached your table, Emily pulled out your chair for you.

"I'm getting deja vu from when we first met." You say with a smile, remembering when Emily pulled out your chair for you at David Leetch's house almost a year ago.

"I knew then that I was going to fall for you, honestly."

Emily says lifting her hands up in defeat, with her adorable smile.

"You did not!"

She nods her head frantically, letting out a cute giggle.

She has her hand resting on the table and you place your hand in hers. She gives your hand a squeeze. You say,

"Well you were my celebrity crush."

She looks at you wide eyed.

"What? You never told me that!"

"I guess I never did."

You shrug your shoulders, but Emily doesn't seem to be over the conversation.

"When did you realize I was your celebrity crush?"

"The Devil Wears Prada."

She looked shocked.

"twenty-two years ago?!"

You didn't realize it had been that long since the movie came out. You laughed and said,

"Well I mean you were just so good at playing her, and you have always been drop dead gorgeous."

"But my character was so mean!"

"I guess that made her more attractive to me." You said, somewhat embarrassed.

"Good to know." Emily replied whilst taking a sip of her water, sending you a wink.

You were probably at the restaurant for three hours, just enjoying each other's company. You also managed to finish two bottles of champagne, making you both very drunk.

You both stumbled out of the restaurant, practically falling on top of each other, given you never seemed to want to let go.

"Emily! Y/n!"

You hear shouts and see paparazzi surrounding the restaurant.

"Oh fuck." Emily says with a laugh.

You tried to ignore them as you got into the car but one of them asked,

"Are two just friends or is there something more?"

You answered saying, "Well we're in love, so what does that tell you?"

Emily laughed as the car door shut. She fell onto your shoulder, erupting into a fit of giggles.

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