So American

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When you wake up that morning, you see Emily fast asleep next to you. You missed waking up to her. The way her hair was brushed over her face and how she breathed in and out was so calmly. She always looked so peaceful, with her hand wrapped over her stomach and her free hand reaching out to you.

You touched her fingers gently. She had a dark red nail polish on. It matched a lot of her character's style choices in the film.

You didn't want to wake her, so you climbed out of bed to wash your face, then heading downstairs to make breakfast.

After about 20 minutes Emily walks down the stairs wearing one of your sweatshirts and a pair of your sweatpants.

"Good morning Em, did you sleep okay?"

She doesn't respond, instead she walks up to you wrapping her arms around your waist, hugging you tightly. You sigh into her touch, pulling her closer to you, but there is no closer.

She leans back from the hug, still holding you by the waist.

"Thank you for picking up last night."

She says, looking up into your eyes.

"Of course, it was no problem."

Emily's eyes turn glassy. You look at her, searching for any signs of why she would be upset.

"Em, what's wrong sweetie?"

As you say this her tears fall. She replies through muffled tears,

"I just— I can't— I don't want to lose you again."

Your heart breaks. You wipe her tears away, but they keep flowing. You hug Emily and brush your hands through her hair, kissing the top of her head. You whisper over and over,

"I won't let you go."

You stay like that for a while, just holding each other.

When Emily finally pulls back she apologizes for being so emotional. You reassure her that you understand and you really— truly, never want to hurt her again.

"So what happened last night? I am going to be honest, I don't remember anything."

Emily says with a breathy laugh, as she wipes away her now dried tears.

You think back to what Emily did last night and immediately start giggling.

"What? What's so funny?"

She asks you defensively.

"I can't tell you. You're going to be so embarrassed."

"Please tell me!"

She begs grabbing your hands to shake your arms causing you to laugh even harder.

"Okay, fine don't tell me."

She says turning her head sharply. She walks over to the stove top and starts to boil some water for her morning tea.

"God you are so British."

You say, sighing dramatically. She continues making the tea, not looking at you but says,

"And you are so American."

As you drive up to set with Emily in the passenger seat, you notice she's not hiding herself. If you ever drove to set with Emily when you were dating, she would duck and hide so no one knew you had spent the night together. Maybe Ryan was right, maybe Emily was ready to finally be in a serious relationship with you.

After you parked the car, you both went your separate ways to get ready in hair and makeup.

When you entered the hair and makeup room on set, Margot was there.

"Y/n! Are you excited for our scene today!"

You and Margot had a big dramatic action sequence to film today.

"Yes! I'm so excited! I can't believe tomorrow is the last day of shooting."

She sighs looks down,

"I know, I'm kinda bummed about it. This has been such an amazing experience."

You agree with her as you sit down to get ready for your first scene. You decide to tell Margot about what happened with you and Emily last night. The hair and makeup girls loved to hear about you and Emily. You were convinced one of them had a thing for Emily but at the same time, could you blame her?

"So Emily called me last night."

You start your sentence and get gasps from Margot and the four girls doing hair and makeup.

"Oh my God what did she say?"

Margot asked you.

"Well she was completely wasted at some random bar and needed a ride."

The girl doing your makeup says,

"I'm assuming you picked her up."

"Well of course! But that's not even the best part, she wanted to come back to my apartment."

Margot shoots you a questioning stare and asks,

"Y/n, did you sleep with her?"

"Oh my God no she was way too drunk, I was not going to do that."

You felt bad exposing Emily like this, so you decided not to tell them about how she practically begged you to have sex with her. You tried not to smile as you thought about the feeling of her lips trailing down your neck.

"So she just spent the night?"

One of the girls asked.

"Yeah nothing happened."

Margot shakes her head and says,

"Okay but isn't obvious that you should get back together?"

"I don't know if we're there yet, but I definitely feel like something is going to happen soon."

The hair lady, who you are pretty sure has a crush on Emily chimes in and says,

"Well if I were you, I wouldn't hesitate to sleep with Emily Blunt."

You all burst into laughter and Margot's makeup artist says,

"I mean she has a fair point."

You thought back to your vulnerable conversation with Emily this morning. You didn't think of it at the time, but maybe she was in love with you too. You had to tell her how you felt.

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