She could never feel the same

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The first day of filming starts tomorrow. You and Emily have been hanging out for the past couple of weeks, and you were having the best time, but you were just friends. That was it.

You invited Taylor and Margot over for dinner. You were making them pasta as they sat at the barstools around the kitchen island.

"So Y/n, what's going on with you and Emily?"

Taylor asks you suggestively. You roll your eyes in response. Margot chimes in and says,

"You two have been hanging out quite frequently these last few weeks."

"Okay fine. I like her a lot. It's not like it's ever gonna happen."

You admit, looking down as you continued to stir the pasta sauce.

"How can you say that when it's obvious she wants to spend time with you."

"Taylor, trust me. We are just friends."

"For now."

Margot mumbles and they both burst out laughing.

"I'm serious guys."

"Okay then why don't you invite her over to our pasta party?"

Taylor says grinning from ear to ear.

"Then we can tell you if her feelings are the same as yours."

Margot says, agreeing with Taylor's plan. Then Margot pulls out her phone.

"What are you doing?"

You ask in a worried tone.

"I'm calling Emily and inviting her over. You can be kind of an idiot sometimes Y/n."

"Margot stop. Do not call her—."

"Hey Emily!"

Too late.

"I'm over at Y/n's with Taylor and we wanted to invite you over. We're going to eat pasta and drink some wine."

You put your head in your hands trying to mentally prepare yourself for what your friends just got you into.

"Okay great, see you soon. Bye."

Margot ends the call with Emily and her and Taylor shriek with excitement.

"Guys I swear she does not think of me that way! As much as I wish that was the case."


You set the table frantically as you wait for Emily to arrive. You light the candles that sit in the middle of the table and then place the silverware next to the cream colored plates.

You hear the buzz by your apartment door when Margot screams,

"I'll get it!"

"No. No you won't!"

You say running after her. You push her out of the doorway and she moves back in defeat. You fix your hair, then open the door when she knocks.

"Y/n! I missed you so much love."

Emily say as she pulls you into a tight hug, her hands on your waist, lingering there when she pulls back.

"Me too! Aren't you so excited for work tomorrow?"

Emily moves one of your stray hairs behind your ear delicately, her hand moving slowly down your face to rest on your shoulder as she says,

"I am so thrilled. Working together is going to be the best!"

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