Dinner Party

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Shooting starts in a month, and you have been working hard on getting into character and memorizing your lines. The whole process has been so much fun already. Margot came over a few times to practice your scenes together. Tonight though, everyone was invited to a cast meet and greet party at David's home in LA. You had arrived at your hotel the day prior, and were now getting ready to head over to David's.

To say you were nervous would be an understatement. I mean sure you had worked with a lot of these people before, but the idea of meeting Emily had your stomach in knots. She is so gorgeous and unbelievable talented, I mean how do you even prepare yourself for meeting someone of that caliber.

You decided to wear a blue velvet corset top, with a long white skirt, pairing the outfit with sparkly gold dangle earrings and a gold necklace. You wore your hair half up half down with loose curls and then slipped on your favorite pair of heels from Yves Saint Laurent.

The driver pulled up to a beautiful traditional mansion. You stepped out of the car walking around a giant fountain in the courtyard and finally making your way up to the grand entrance. David answered the door.

"Y/n! It great to finally meet you!"

He shook your hand firmly.

"It's so great to meet you as well."

"Well half the cast is already here, so come on in and help yourself to some appetizers and drinks."

"Thank you."

You walk into the foyer past a massive staircase and enter the living room to see crew members and cast members. Margot catches your eye across the room. You wave over to her and she smiles and begins to run over to you give you a giant hug.

"I missed you so much!"

"Margot, me too, but I am running out air here."


She says pulling back and letting out a giggle.

"Y/n I have to introduce you to Emily! You're gonna love her, come on!"

Margot practically drags you into the other room where the bar is located. You see the Emily's perfect side profile as she stands at the bar with Tom Holland and Zendaya. She must've said something funny because Tom is practically falling to the floor with laughter.


Margot yells excitedly.

"Margot! Oh come here."

Emily says so kindly, bring Margot into a hug, and kissing her cheek.

"Oh my goodness Y/n, hi! I know we haven't met before but I am so excited to work with you! I've seen most of your films and you are a very talented actress."

You literally stood there frozen with you mouth hanging open. Like did Emily Blunt just call you talented? You must be dreaming or hallucinating.

"Wow really?"

You finally muster to say something after the stares of the group register in your brain.

"Yes of course!"

"Well Emily I've seen most of your films as well and you are just absolutely amazing at what you do. If I see your in a movie I am automatically going to watch it."

Margot chimes in and says,

"No because same. Like Emily is so charming I could watch her in anything."

Emily turns so red, she puts her hands up to cover face. Tom grabs her shoulders, shaking her slightly.

"Come on Em, loosen up. You can accept a compliment for once."

More than costars?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ