Too Close

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It was the morning after you had arrived in New York. The sunrise was peeking over the clouds as you stepped onto your balcony with your iced coffee in hand.

Your mind wandering to Emily. You had added her contact to your phone but haven't gotten the chance to call her yet. You decide that even though it's early, she seems like a morning person to you, so you call her.

After two rings, she picks up,


"Hi Emily, it's me. I was wondering if you would like to go get lunch or something today."

"Yes of course, I'd love to! I am headed to my gym it's called Eastwood fit, in about 15 minutes, and I can give you call afterwards."

"Your gym is actually right outside my apartment. That's crazy."

"Oh you should come!"

You cringe at the thought of going to the gym with Emily. You know her trainer is the one who trained her for the role of Rita Vrataski is Edge of Tomorrow. You're afraid of how intense Emily's everyday workout might be, but that's not what you tell her.

"Yeah sure! I'd love to go!"

You roll your eyes at yourself.

"Great! I'll meet you there and we can change to go to lunch afterwords."

"Okay, see you then, bye."


You decide to wear a baggy t-shirt that you got from the stunt crew on one of your previous films and a pair of black leggings.

You walk over to the gym, given it's only a block away from your apartment complex. When you walk through the big glass door you immediately see Emily standing by the front desk wearing a black cropped muscle-t and black leggings with her blonde hair in a high ponytail.


Emily says this so loudly, you look around to see if anyone noticed that two celebrities are standing in an open gym in Brooklyn. She pulls you into a tight hug.

"Hey Emily."

You reply with smile.

"Okay come on, let's get started."

She grabs your hand and walks ahead excitedly. Then she turns around still continuing her fast pace and says to you,

"Don't worry today is an easy day, we're just going to do some abs and stretching."

"Okay good, I was a little worried but I trust you."

She smiles so big, her eyes light up. Her beautiful blue eyes gaze into your as you continue the walk into the room with Emily's trainer.

Emily was right, the workout was pretty easy and it was fun. After you both showered and changed Emily took you to an adorable little brunch house that was near the water.

"Em, this restaurant is so cute! I am definitely coming back here with Taylor."

"Like as in Taylor Swift?"

You let out a breathy laugh and reply,

"Yeah, we're really close. I thought you two had met before?"

"Yes, but briefly. I'd love to meet her again sometime."

"Well she's at my apartment quite frequently, we will have to plan something with the three of us."

"Yeah for sure."

You end up taking Emily back to your place to work on some lines together.

She plops down on your couch, and dramatically falls back.

"I have to say after that workout, and the food I could just die right here."

Laughing at how cute she is, you toss a pillow on top of her face. She immediately sits up throwing the pillow right back at you.

"Do you want to watch a movie or something?"

You suggest. Feeling pretty tired yourself.

"Could we? I know you wanted to practice lines, but I just don't think I have it in me today."

"Yeah for sure, I'm exhausted too."

You sit down next to Emily and lay a blanket on top of her.

"So what movie?"

"Oh I don't care. I will watch practically anything. Just none of my films, please."

"But The Devil Wears Prada is so good."

You whine, a grin making its way onto your face.

"No, no I refuse."

She turns her head in refusal.

"Okay fine. How about Romancing the Stone?"

"Yes! Yes, I love that film so much!"

"Me too! One of my all time favorites."

You brought over some water and popcorn for the two of you and get comfortable to start the film.


Throughout the film, Emily had inched her way closer to you. Now she had moved her head onto your shoulder, and your hand moved around her waste. Neither of you said anything but you could feel her breathing slowing and you looked down to see her asleep.  You immediately get a flash back to a few nights ago when you met. She had fallen asleep on the car ride to in-and-out. You take a mental note that Emily must love to nap.

After the movie had ended you look back down at Emily to see that her blonde hair was covering her eyes slightly so you decided to move her stray hairs behind her ear. She stirs in her sleep and then her eyes flutter open, meeting yours.

"Good morning sunshine."

You say with a laugh and a slight grin.

"Is the movie over?"

Emily asked, somewhat sadly.

"Yeah but you looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake you."

She all of a sudden sits up frantically searching for her phone.

"Is everything okay?"

You ask concerned.

"Yeah, yeah everything is fine. I just want to know what time it is, I made dinner plans with Annie and Cillian."

"As in Anne Hathaway and Cillian Murphy?"

You ask, laughing slightly remembering the conversation you two shared about you being friends with Taylor Swift.

"Yes. I was supposed to have my driver pick them up at 7 and it's already 6:15 and I'm not even ready yet. Unfortunately I have to leave but I will call you tomorrow."

"Um it's okay, bye."

You say waving bye as she leaves the apartment insanely quick.

A wave of sadness washes over you. How can you miss her already? But she has you hooked. Now you know for sure you have romantic feelings for her. Is it even possible she could feel the same. I mean she might not even like girls that way.

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