The Emily effect

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It was now Monday. The last week of filming has officially begun. You used to look forward to the wrap parties on the last day of work, but you dreading the party on Friday. Emily still wasn't speaking to you, and you weren't planning on speaking to her.

On your way home from the short work day on Monday, you decide to stop for groceries. As you peruse down the aisles your mind finally felt blank. Your temporary peace was interrupted by the ringing of your phone.

You grab your phone out your pocket, flipping it over to see that Ryan Gosling is calling you.

"Hey Ryan, how's it going?"

It's been forever since you've talked with Ryan. You had done multiple films with him and you two were pretty close.

"I'm doing alright, I heard you're not doing too well."

You sigh, knowing that Margot must've told him what happened. But maybe it wasn't Margot. Fear crept up your spine as you realized that Emily is really close with Ryan as well. She couldn't have told him, you thought to yourself as you spit out a response to Ryan,

"Who told you I wasn't doing well?"

There's a moment of silence until Ryan says,

"I'm not going to say anything, because I was told I shouldn't even talk to you about this but I'm worried about you, okay?"

"Ryan I promise I'm okay. Do you want me to come over?"

"Yeah sure, that'd be great."

"Okay I'm at the store right now, so i'll be there in like a half hour."

"Alright be safe. Love you, bye."

"Love you too, bye."

You frantically picked out the rest of your groceries and check out. You know Ryan will eventually tell you who told him about your breakup because he can't keep a secret for the life of him. Every time he tries to lie he just starts laughing and you immediately know he's full of it.

When you arrive at Ryan's apartment he buzzes you up so you walk right in to see him making a pizza.

"Ryan are you making a pizza from scratch?"


He shouts, running over to you, completely ignoring your question. He pulls you into a tight hug.

"I missed you!"

You say as you pull back from the hug.

"I missed you too. I'm making us some homemade pizza!"

You laugh at how excited he is.

"You sure you know what you're doing?"

He rolls his eyes at you.

"Y/n I know how to make a fucking pizza, okay."

He says defensively, but he's grinning from ear to ear. Then his smile fades for a second as you he asks you,

"Okay wait we need to talk about you dating Emily Blunt. No offense, but how did that happen?"

"Okay ouch, but I guess we just clicked immediately. We were friends for a while before we started filming and then it just happened. But we had to break up."

You start to cry a little but you stop yourself, trying to get through the story. Ryan pulls you in for a hug making your tears fall immediately.

"Hey it's okay, we don't have to talk about it."

He says gently as he rubs your back. You pull back wiping the tears off your face.

"No, no it's okay. I can talk about it."

"So why did you breakup?"

Ryan asks you calmly, trying not to make you anymore upset.

"She wanted to keep our relationship a secret, which I kind of understand but it was too hard for me. She completely ignored me on set. Like it was like we weren't even friends."

"I'm so sorry Y/n. Maybe she's just be insecure about being with a girl but I don't know why Emily would feel like that."

"I mean you said it yourself, why would she date me."

"Hey, you know I didn't mean that. But the reason I know about all this is because Emily came over on Friday."

"She what?"

You say suddenly perking up.

"She was a mess, Y/n. I mean I've never seen her like that, she couldn't stop crying and I couldn't get her to eat anything. She didn't even sleep she just stared at the wall."

You automatically feel horrible. There's a pit in your stomach.

"I think she regrets hiding your relationship and you should really talk to her."

"Ryan I know, but if she's that upset shouldn't she reach out to me?"

"Yeah but I think she's worried you wouldn't want her back."

You lean your head back and let out an irritated laugh.

"She really has no idea how hard it was for me to end things with her."

"Yeah she doesn't. Thats why you need to communicate with her."

"I'll think about it."

"Come on Y/n, I want even supposed to tell you about this. You can at least try to talk to her."

"Okay fine you win. I will try and have a conversation with her on set tomorrow."

"Good. Now let's go finish making the pizza."

You laugh and chase Ryan into the kitchen.

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