05 "oh, no. you don't remember me."

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- the majority had woken up from their previous slumber, although it was more hypnogogia then actual sleep. considering the four were trying to rest on a hard zigzagged floor of an 18 wheeler.

percy was the last to wake up. the first thing he could hear was the squeaking and growling of various animals.

grover stood on stacked hay bales trying to pry open an air vent in the top of the truck.

"does that help?" he called.

"guess we're about to find out." annabeth said lifting and twisting her prism to reflect a rainbow on the side of the unit.

"can you see where we are?" nadia asked seated right next to annabeth helping her shift the prism.

grover stuck his head out of the vent.

"we're almost there." he sighed.

percy finally woke up enough to stand and join annabeth and nadia.

"morning sleepy head." nadia smiled at him.

"there. i've got a signal!" annabeth grinned proudly.

"toss it percy." nadia nudged for him to fling the golden drachma he had into the rainbow beam projecting on the wall.

the coin quickly disappeared into the light.

"this will never stop being weird."

clearly he wasn't used to all this magic stuff yet.

"oh iris. goddess of the rainbow." annabeth prays. "show me camp halfblood. chirions office."

iris complied. an image of luke's backside appeared in the colors.

"luke?" nadia squinted.

he seemed to turn very quickly. as if he just got caught doing something he shouldn't have been.

"guys! are you okay?" the sound of his voice was muffled through the rainbow.

"yeah, yeah we're fine. where's chiron." annabeth suspected.

"chiron's busy, trying to hold the whole camp together with his bare hands. the kids here have got word that a war is breaking out and the cabins are choosing sides."

"ooh! who did 10 chose." nadia asked, being nosy per usual.

annabeth elbowed her and went back to luke.

"please tell me your calling with good news." luke begged.

"we know who stole the bolt." percy informed him.

luke's face turned pale as he asked "how do you know?"

"we ran into ares and grover got him talking" annabeth started to explain. "he realized that ares knew who the thief was and was covering for them. so, who would ares cover for other than..."

luke cut her off. "his favorite daughter. clarisse is the lighting thief."

"chiron's gotta arrest her, find out what she knows. there's more to this than just the bolt. dont ask me how i know you just gotta trust me."  percy said sounding a little suspicious.

"so ares, huh. what was that like?" luke asked.

"well compared to the chimera on monday and medusa on sunday, it could've been a lot worse." nadia shrugged.

"medusa was saturday." percy argued.

"i thought it was monday." she squinted.

"no monsters on sunday. and monday i died in the river."

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