01 "Percy Jackson, son of Posiedon"

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- Nadia Miller. Aphrodite's pride and joy. And the nosiest girl at camp. Her two hobbies consist of gossiping to her siblings and looking at herself in the mirror. Everyone knew her and she knew everyone. Gaining her knowledge to all of the rumors. Considering she knew all of the camp drama, she definitely had heard about the new kid who killed a Minotaur.

~ 🎀 ~

It was way too early in the morning for anyone to be up. Except Nadia. The morning was her favorite time. "Grover! Groverrr!!" She whisper yelled at him through his cabin window, trying not to wake the others. "What!" He whispered back in a more sassy tone.

"Your the new kids satyr protector?"

"Yes? Why are you asking me this? Go back to sleep." The satyr ordered, rolling onto his other side to try and stop the conversation from continuing.

"Can you show me him?" Nadia whispered in a softer manner. She of all people had a way of getting someone to do what she wanted. Grover stayed silent trying to pretend he was asleep but that act lasted for all of 40 seconds before he gave in to her asking. He groaned and slowly sat up letting his feet touch the ground. "Yay! Thank you Grover!"

~ 🎀 ~

Grover led Nadia to the infirmary and quickly returned to his bed. She walked inside to find Annabeth standing watching over the new kid. Nadia walked to her side placing her hand on Annabeth's shoulder. Despite their mothers rivalry, Nadia and Annabeth were practically inseparable.

"Is he still asleep?" Nadia questioned. But as she said this the boy seemed to have been waking up.

"Where am I?" The blonde inquired.

"You drool when you sleep." Annabeth said, almost ignoring his question.

"Huh?" The boy hummed.

"C'mon Annabeth let's let him rest." She says, pulling Annabeth out of the room.

~ 🎀 ~

The next day during training Luke and the new kid aproached Nadia. They found her in a field with targets lined up in the distance.

Percy couldn't help but stare. She was the most gorgeous girl he's ever seen. She had black hair and Green eyes that he could swim in. Her style was surprising for a child of Aphrodite. Most of the girls wore pastel colors and bows and skirts but Nadia was more edgy. She mostly presented herself in dark colors and baggy clothes.

"This is Nadia, the head of Aphrodite's cabin. She's practically the demigod version of Cupid." Luke said directed towards the blonde boy. "Nadia's the best long range fighter at camp, so if you want to know how to fight it's best to learn from her. Nadia, this is Percy. He's-" before Luke can finish speaking she cut him off.

"Your the one who killed the Minotaur. So Luke tells me you want to earn glory?" She says. Percy's too taken by her beauty to respond so she takes his silence as a yes. "Here, let's start with this." She says handing him a bow and arrow.

"I want to be very clear about this. I've never done anything like this before, and it looks super dangerous." Percy announces with a hint of nervousness in his voice.

"And you never killed a Minotaur either, till you did." Luke reminds him.

Hearing this Percy pulls back the string getting ready to shoot. Percy obviously misses the target and the arrow goes straight to a crowd of people knocking him and them all over. "Should I try again?" Percy questions.

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