I'll be better this time.

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Request - What about he and Y/N were on a break (he initiated it because she had a couple of things to work on) but recently they have been dating each other again and are taking it slow, she can tell he is falling for her again but he seems a bit scared, so she writes him a love note not just how much she loves him but the things she'll do better this time around, like her promises/vows and he is touched because no one has ever done anything like this for him before.

You took a deep breath as you watched Kayce walking back over to the foreman's cabin. He had gone for a ride with his dad earlier this morning and just got back. You watched as he passed his truck and stopped, seeing the folded letter on his windshield between the blade and pane. Kayce looked around before he pulled the letter out and opened it. You knew exactly what he was reading as his eyes danced across the page. 


I know we've spoken on this subject matter already, but it begs to be repeated. And you deserve to hear this every day for as long as I'm in your life. 

You're it for me. 

I know our past has some ghosts and scars. I know I caused a great deal of hurt and heaviness in your life. Part of that was my own doing and part of it was not wanting to meet you in the middle. I wanted you to change. I've learned now, that's not how relationships work. That's not how people who care for one another treat the other. 

You've got your own scars from past experiences. I don't want to be another one stretched across your skin. I don't want to be associated with pain, not in your mind. So, I'm pledging to be better. I can't promise to be perfect, but I know I can be better. 

I can communicate with you more. I trust you and I should tell you that more. You deserve to know the thoughts in my mind, especially when they are of you. And my thoughts are mostly of you. I promise to express my worries and doubts through calm words and not violent screams. That's not how you speak to people you care about. 

I promise to not let my doubts get the best of me. I promise to listen to you when you explain things. I promise to support you, care for you, and most of all love you. Because I do. 

I love you, Kayce. 

It's been a while since one of us said those words to the other. I've seen in your eyes lately you get to that point and then draw back in fear. Fear of me, of how I'll react. I don't want you to be scared of me anymore. So I'll say those words to you. 

I love you, Kayce. 

I'm not saying this takes away all of our past. I'm not saying we both don't have work in our future. But right now, I know there isn't anywhere else I'd rather be or anyone else I'd rather be with. 

You're it for me. 


Kayce seemed to read the letter through again. You watched him fold it back and take a visible breath. He then looked toward the cabin and slowly walked forward. Kayce placed the letter in the back pocket of his jeans as he climbed the steps. 

You sat back on the couch as you watched him open the door and close it behind him. Biting your lip, you held your breath as his warm, caramel eyes found yours. He walked over until he was standing in front of you. Kayce pulled the letter from his pocket and held it up. 

"So..." You squeaked out. "Guess you found it." 

"Do you mean it?" Kayce asked, his voice rough. 

"I do," You answered immediately. 

Kayce looked at the letter in his hand and then sat it down on the coffee table. He kneeled in front of you to where you both were almost at eye level with each other. Your heart was beating out of your chest. 

"You scare the hell out of me, Y/N," Kayce said. 

The lump in your throat grew. 

"But what scares me more is you not being in my life," Kayce blinked. "I don't want that." 

"I don't want that either," You shook your head. 

"We can't keep hurting each other though," Kayce whispered, running his fingers through his hair. 

"That's what the promise was for," You motioned to the letter. 

"I don't want to hurt you either," Kayce almost looked in pain. "You ain't the only one who has done damage." 

That was true. Kayce had done his fair share of hurting you when you were first together. You unfolded your legs and scooted forward, closer now to Kayce. 

"I don't want to hurt you again," You nodded. "And I don't want you to hurt me again...that's why I put in there about my promises to be better." 

"And if we do?" Kayce asked. 

"We won't," You whispered. "I believe in us." 

Kayce reached up and held the side of your face, his fingers brushing into your hair. He smelled like leather and the crisp air outside. You swallowed as you stared into his eyes. They were warm and alive. 

"I love you," Kayce breathed out. 

It was like a great weight lifted from your chest at his words. You moved to kneel in front of him on both of your knees, your arms throwing themselves around his neck. Kayce's hands moved to hold you as your lips pressed against his. 

The kiss was sloppy but filled with love as you giggled through it. You pressed kisses against Kayce's cheek a few times before you hugged him tightly. His chest moved while he chuckled with you. 

"I love you too," You whispered out. 

Oneshots - Kayce Dutton Book 2Where stories live. Discover now