This wasn't the end.

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Request - So, the reader is finding it hard being a part of the Dutton world and is separated from Kasey. She tells him she needs time away and is leaving, he thinks it's for good and begs her to stay. She needs to have space, he's worries she'll find someone who deserves her more and her response is "Kacey, it's you. It will/it's always been you." And I would love it done in both POV's if possible, but the readers first ❤️ you know I love the drama!! Xx

Your POV

Last night was your file straw.

Last night was the straw that broke you.

You had tried, truly tried, to make this work.

To make this work with Kayce.

But when you had been chased through out the main lodge by two men with weapons, thrown on the floor, and almost sexually assaulted, you simple could not find the strength to move past it.

It you closed your eyes long enough, you could hear the gunshots ringing out. You could feel the blood, their blood, splatter across your face. You could smell the burn from the bullets. And you could see Kayce standing behind where the men had been over you, his gun aimed at them and the fear in his eyes as he looked down at you on the floor of the bedroom.

That was about six hours ago.

Right now, you were finishing packing up a small bag of your items. You could always come back later for the rest, but you needed to leave. There was still blood on the rug next to your feet where you just been six hours ago.

Once Kayce picked you up and brought you downstairs, many things happened. You weren't sure what all took place, you were almost in a trance-like state. You didn't snap out of it until you told Kayce you were going to take a shower. Instead, you came up to the bedroom and packed a small bag.

Taking a deep breath, knowing how painful this was about to be, you grabbed your bag and walked back downstairs. You almost made it out the door before Kayce's voice stopped you.

"Y/N?" Kayce walked over from the living room. "Where are you going?"

Kayce's POV

I didn't know how to help her.

Y/N was sitting down on the couch, her eyes looked like glass as she stared straight ahead as my father barked orders at people all around us.

When I entered the main lodge to find her, I heard her screaming from upstairs. I went into autopilot. All I saw was rage because I knew whatever was happening to her, it wasn't good.

The men came out of nowhere and we didn't know who they belonged to. But none of that mattered when I saw two of them kneeled over Y/N on the floor of our bedroom. Not a second passed before I fired the first shot into the back of their heads.

I knew this was hell on Y/N.

I knew everything she had gone through now with this place and me. I couldn't even apologize properly. What would it even matter at this point. Up until this point, she had just heard things, seen thing...but now it had happened to Y/N.

I could argue that I stopped them...but they had already chased her around, threw her on the ground and God know what they were about to do to her had I been a few minutes late.

She said she had gone to take a shower, but when I heard her feet coming back down, I knew it hadn't been long enough. Y/N liked long, hot showers. So, when I saw her with a bag, while I wasn't did sting.

"Y/N?" I asked, walking over to her. "Where are you going?"

Your POV

"I need to leave, Kayce," You said softly, not trusting your voice.

"Where?" Kayce asked.

"I don't know," You shrugged. "Anywhere but here."

"I'll drive you," Kayce reached for your bag, but you pulled back.

"Kayce..." You trailed off, seeing his eyes made it almost impossible to tell him your plans.

Kayce POV

"You're leaving?" I asked her, feeling like my heart was shattering.

"Just for a little while," Y/N said. Her big eyes were full of tears. "I just need...I need some space."

"Let me come with you," I tried again.

"Kayce..." Y/N closed her eyes for a few seconds.

She meant me. She wants space from me.

"Just for a little bit," Y/N continued. "I just can' here. I can't do this right now."

"Y/N..." I felt like my throat was closing up. "Baby...I'm sorry. Please...please don't do this."

Your POV

Hearing Kayce beg for you to not leave had you wanting to throw your bag down and jump into his arms. But if you wanted change...if you wanted him to see just how far gone, he was in this place, you needed to be strong.

But Kayce is who made you strong.

You took a deep breath, your grip on your bag tightening, and looked back up into Kayce's eyes. Gently, you reached up and cupped his cheek, his beard tickling your palm.

"I can't belong to something like this," You said. "I can't do this every few days, give me some time to think, okay? I just need a few days or so."

"I can't..." Kayce shook his head, his hand coming up to hold yours against his face. "You'll leave for good. You'll find someone'll see just how wrong I am for you and maybe I'm fucking selfish, but I don't want you to see that."

You swallowed hard as you took in his fear. You dropped your bag down by your feet and reached up with your other hand to hold Kayce's other cheek.

"I don't think that could ever happen," You whispered to him.

Kayce's POV

"I don't think that could ever happen," Y/N said to me.

I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around her figure. I could still feel her shaking in my arms as I pressed my lips against the side of her head.

"Please..." I whispered into her ear.

Your POV

Your arms tightened around Kayce as you heard him beg one more time. You breathed him in for a few seconds before you leaned back at your waist and looked up at him.

"'s you," You felt the ghost of a smile on your lips. "It will always be you."

Kayce's eyes blinked back at you.

Knowing it was a delicate place, you leaned in and pressed your lips to him in what was probably your most gentle kiss between the two of you. It was soft and short, lasting a few seconds before you pulled back, knowing your grace period was short with him.

"I love you," You felt a tear roll down your cheek, but the tears in Kayce's eyes made you suddenly feel not alone for the first time today.

"I love you," Kayce's voice was hoarse.

Before you crumbled into pieces, you stepped back and reached down for your bag. Opening the front door, Kayce reached out and held it for you as you looked over your shoulder at him while you stepped out.

You knew you'd see him again. You knew this wasn't the end. 

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