I just want to marry you.

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Request - what if while cuddling in bed or something Kayce asks Y/N what she thinks of eloping and like convinces her why they should instead of doing a big wedding? Like maybe it's more romantic and he doesn't want everyone to see him cry when she walks down the aisle?

It was raining hard outside as you climbed into bed. Kayce had built a small fire in the foreman's cabin, warming the whole place up. You knew you only had a few more cold nights before spring would come in full force. So while you were shivering, you were thankful for another night under warm blankets. 

Kayce walked into the bedroom, having locked the door and turned off all the lights in the place. He was tired and sore today. As Livestock Commissioner, he had taken his team up near the border, chasing horse thieves. It had been a rough ride and a few fights along the way, but he got the thieves back in jail where they belonged. 

You hadn't seen Kayce for the past few days, so when he got home, you had been extra clingy with him. That didn't seem to be changing as you waited for him to settle down on his side of the bed before scooting over near him. You wrapped your arms around him and tucked your face into the crook of his neck. Kayce's deep chuckles shook your whole body. 

"What?" You mumbled. 

"Nothing," Kayce yawned. "Missed you too." 

"Three days is too long," You told him with a heavy sigh. 

"Part of the job sometimes, baby," Kayce's hands rubbed circles down your back. "You knew this before I agreed." 

"I know," You grumbled. "Doesn't mean I like it." 

While you thought there was no one better for the job than Kayce, that didn't mean you weren't terrified at times when he wouldn't come home at a decent hour. Or you knew he would be taken away for a while. You worried about him constantly. 

"I got a call from my mother today," You said after a few minutes of silence. 

Kayce hummed but didn't say anything. 

"She asked if we'd picked a date yet," You waited for Kayce's response. 

"A date?" Kayce asked. 

"Yeah," You leaned your head up so you could look at him. 

"A date for what?" He looked adorable to you, the pure confusion on his face. 

You giggled, bringing your left hand from around him and twisting it in front of his face. The ring on your finger was your favorite piece of jewelry you'd ever seen or had. The simple gold band with a pear-shaped diamond that belonged to Kayce's mother immediately took your breath away when you first saw it. The ring hadn't left your finger for a long time since Kayce had slid it on you two months ago. 

"Oh..." Kayce smirked. "That date." 

You rested your hand on his chest as you looked down at him. 

"Have you thought of anything?" You asked him. 

"Have you?" Kayce rounded. 

"Not really," You shrugged. "The idea of a summertime wedding seems nice, but..."

"But what?" Kayce asked. 

"It just seems like a lot," You told him. "The wedding, the planning...all the different little details that I know I won't be good at." 

Kayce hugged you tighter against him. 

"I know my mom would help," You said. "Even Beth said she would help, but I'm scared they'd take over and you know I'm not good at keeping my foot down." 

"I think you do that pretty well with me," Kayce smirked. 

"You know what I mean," You rolled your eyes at him. "What do you think?" 

"You really want to know what I think?" Kayce asked. 

"Of course," You smiled at him. 

"I think..." Kayce cleared his throat and you saw just how nervous he was right now. "I think...that I do have a perfect date in mind for marrying you." 

"You do?" You were shocked. "What is it? Tell me!" 

"Don't judge me," Kayce warned you. 

"Kayce...tell me," You rubbed his chest. 

"Alright," Kayce sighed. "I think my perfect date would be you and me...making a promise to be it for each other...forever...and everything else can fuck off." 

You blinked back at Kayce for a few seconds. 

"You don't...want a wedding?" You asked him slowly. 

"I want to marry you," Kayce said. "Baby, if you want a massive wedding, with all those things that come with it...then that's what we'll do. But you asked what I wanted and you and I promising to love each other forever? That's all I need." 

"So you want to elope?" You felt a smile tug at your lips. "Just you and me?" 

"I want you," Kayce said. "but if you want honesty...a wedding scares the shit out of me because everyone will be there, watching us and judging us. And they'll see me cry watching you walk down and then have us dance in front of them like we're animals on show...that's not me. But what is me is making you happy, so if that's what you-"

You cut Kayce off with a long kiss. When you pulled back, you rested your forehead against his and sighed. 

"Just you and me sounds perfect to me," You told him with a smile. 

"You sure?" Kayce tilted his head to the side. "Promise?" 

"I love you," You said. "I want to marry you." 

"Then you just tell me when," Kayce smiled. 

"Tomorrow," You told him. 

"Really?" Kayce's eyes widened. 

"Why not?" You shrugged. "Then when people ask, we can say we're already married." 

"Then I'll take you to the court house first thing in the morning," Kayce laughed. 

You smiled at him. 

"Deal," You leaned down. 

"I love you," Kayce said as he kissed you again. 

Oneshots - Kayce Dutton Book 2Where stories live. Discover now