The Good Neighbor - Part Two

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Request - Can this be a pt2 to the good neighbor chapter where the twins and Tate get y/n and Kayce to date without them knowing and it's like a surprise to the both of them and they fall in love because of it.

Author's Note - Part One is in my first one shots book :) 

"Just a little further, Mom," Julie said, holding your hand as she led you through wherever you were.

"Why do I feel like you're leading me over a cliff?" You laughed, holding Julie's hand tightly.

"Don't be so dramatic, Mother," June sighed from behind you.

They had blindfolded you and driven you out onto your land, somewhere, in one of your ATVs. Their eagerness was questionable to you, seeing as when you had first told them you couldn't come with them, they started to freak out.

But here you were, wherever that was.

"Okay, now stay here for a few minutes," Julie made you stop.

"Wait, you're leaving me?" You asked. "Girls...come on."

"We have to go make sure something else is happening, okay?" June said. "Just calm down and stay put."

"You can't leave me blindfolded," You laughed.

"Please," Julia giggled. "We know you're gonna take it off as soon as we leave so just count to ten and then do it."

You shook your head; your girls weren't wrong. After counting to ten, you pulled the blindfold off your face as saw they took you to a small lake that you shared with your neighbors.

It was too cool for swimming, so you weren't sure what your daughters had cooked up. Walking down, closer to the water, you sat on one of the large stones jetting out from the ground and waited. A few minutes passed until you heard talking coming from the opposite direction your daughters walked off to.

Another minute passed and Kayce and Tate walked out from the tree lining on their side of the boarders. You looked over, confused, as Kayce and Tate saw you. You watched Tate motion to Kayce over where you were sitting. Kayce then started to walk to where you were as Tate ran back the way he came.

"Hey," Kayce smiled as he stepped over a few muddy spots.

"Hi," You laughed. "So, you got roped into this too?"

"Seems like it," Kayce took a seat next to you. "Know what's going on?"

"Not a clue," You shook your head. "Why weren't you blindfolded?"

"They blindfolded you?" Kayce laughed.

"I just went along with what my girls wanted," You held up the fabric.

"What're they up too?" Kayce glanced behind both of you.

There was movement and suddenly your girls were back, carrying a picnic basket. You watched them as they placed the basket on the rock between you and Kayce.

"Hi Kayce," Julie waved.

"Hey," Kayce smiled. "What's this?"

"Lunch," June answered.

"Lunch?" You asked.

"Sandwiches and apples," Julie smiled. "Your drinks should be...there!"

You and Kayce both looked to where Julie was pointing and saw Tate walking over with a cooler in his hands. He placed it down next to Kayce and smiled.

"If you just wanted lunch, what was with the theatrics?" You asked your girls.

"Oh, the lunch isn't for us," June laughed.

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