Chapter 11

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 Gon stood up from his chair immediately after class was over. Throughout class Gon's feet would shuffle, or his pen would tap, it was nearly impossible to keep him still for a whole class period. "Where do you wanna eat lunch?" Gon strolled up to Killua's desk, his lunch box in hand.

"I don't know. I was thinking that we just go to where we went yesterday, but that doesn't sound like a whole lotta fun..." A sound of footsteps stopped Gon from finishing his thought.

"Gon, Kil, you guys wanna have lunch with me?" Karma held up his lunch box, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Sure-mph" Killua's hand traveled up towards Gon's mouth to stop him from talking. Killua didn't particularly like Karma, though he did commend him for his ability to get on people's nerves and exploit the very thing that gets under their skin. Case in point, the nickname given to Killua. Now-a-days, however, Karma has gone on trying to get under Gon's skin, to little avail so far. Yesterday was a perfect example of Karma's failure to make Gon mad.


"So, Gon, what do you think of your mission so far?" Karma was able to push himself into the two hunter's circle at lunch today.

"It's super fun. Getting to explore and learn about new things is always super fun. But it kinda sucks that we can't fight yet." Gon answered in between mouthfuls of food.

"Ahh, so you like fighting." Gon lit up at the opportunity to talk about fights.

"Mhm, it's super fun. Me and Killua fought all the time last year. Bisky taught us." Gon went back to eating, totally oblivious to Karma's true intention.

"So have you ever lost a fight?"

"Yah, but they just made me stronger." Killua looked up from his food. He had already gathered Karma's true intention and was chuckling slightly at his failure. Killua watched as Karma bit his lip, an attempt to hold back the frustration building up inside of him.

"It's not going to work." Killua asserted.

"What do you mean?" Karma held his arms up in defense, feigning innocence.

"I've basically lived with Gon for a year and I can count the number of times he's gotten mad on one hand." Killua thought back to the scene with Pitou, the sheer anger that filled the atmosphere.

"What do you mean, Killua?" Gon turned between Karma and Killua, the two having a staring contest.

"Nothing, don't worry about it Gon."


"You really don't give up, huh?" Killua picks up his head from his desk.

"Of course not. Everybody has something that'll get under their skin. For example, something as small as the nickname 'Kil' puts you on edge." Gon felt the tension between Karma and Killua rising, so he butted in.

"You can sit with us at lunch! I think we're just going to eat in here today!" Gon steps in between the two, halting the rising tension. "So, Gon," Karma puts down the chop sticks he was using to eat his lunch. "What makes you mad?" Killua bursts out laughing, causing Karma to glare at him. Gon places his chopsticks down and thinks about the question.

"I guess when people hurt my friends I get pretty mad..." Gon trails off. Karma glances toward Killua.

"Don't even think about it." Killua said, knowing that Karma was going to try to hurt Killua to get under Gon's skin. Karma lets out a mischievous laugh, a plan to get Gon mad came into his mind, but Killua stopped his dreaming. "When Gon says his friends getting hurt makes him mad, you would have to put someone close to him on their deathbed or kill them all together. And everyone close to him is in a different world right now and there is no way in hell I'm going to let you kill me."

"Why do you wanna make me mad?" Gon asks, picking up his chopsticks again and shoveling food into his mouth.

"Cause it's fun, and I doubt that Gon only gets mad in those situations, I bet he's just not aware of other times he gets mad." Karma reasons. Killua sighs.

"Of course there are other things, but I'm not telling you shit."

"Oh come on...please..." Karma sarcastically begs.

"You're smart, figure it out." Killua crosses his arms and turns away, lifting his head up slightly.

"Wow, that position really makes you look like a spoiled brat." Karma mumbles, going back to eating his lunch.

"Killua's family is super rich." Gon starts to brag on behalf of Killua.

"Gon." Killua sharply retorts.

"Oh, they are?" Karma asks, mischievous lacing his voice. "And what do these parents of yours do?"

"Like I'm telling yo-" Gon leans forward out of excitement, blocking Killua's view to Karma.

"Killua's parents are assassins. They are super strong." Karma's eyes widened, and he attempted to relax his face into a more neutral position.

"Get away." Killua pushes Gon back into his chair so that he could see Karma. "You're lucky no one else heard that. What happened to the plan that you are the strong one?" The push that Killua gave Gon caused Gon's chair to topple back with him in it, so Gon stood up from the floor, avoiding eye contact with Killua. Gon's arm was placed sheepishly behind his head.

"Oh yah, sorry about that." Gon said, his voice softer than normal. Killua huffs and turns towards Karma.

"Don't tell anyone about this." Killua sighs. It could be worse. The whole class could be in here and everyone could know their secret, but Karma is pretty untrustworthy. He is good at hiding his intentions, and making lives miserable for people.

"Or what?" Karma teases.

"I'll make sure you never talk again." Killua sharpens his hand and cuts his wrist to show the sharpness. Karma laughs to conceal his fear. Killua's bloodlust was almost suffocating in the moment; the aura filled the whole room.

"Okay, okay." Karma holds his hands out in front of him, his eyes turned down towards the ground. "Your secrets are safe with me."

"Perfect! Thanks Karma!" Gon smiles, closing up his now empty lunch box.

Gym Class

"So that's that. Expect some interruptions during class." Mr. Karasuma just got done explaining that Ms. Irina and her teacher were in a competition to see who could fake assassinate Karasuma first.

"I don't know, I think a real assassination would be more fun. It'd keep you on your toes." Killua jokes, watching as Ms. Irina walked toward the class with tea in hand in his peripheral vision.

"Oh, Karasuma!" Ms. Irina had her facade on that lured the octopus in on the first day of class, it was pretty pointless now that Karasuma knew about her split personalities. "Would you like some tea?" Ms. Irina bounced over, some tea on a tray.

"It's probably muscle relaxation tea." Killua mumbled. He was pretty sure that anyone could do better than this attempt. He stands up, tired of seeing Irina's pitiful attempt. "Come on Ms. Bitch, I could have done better than that when I was 3. I would much rather work on Mr. K's easy training then watch you fail at assassinating him again." Killua stands up and walks over to where he normally stands for training and waits for class to resume.

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