Chapter 5

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 "This teacher gives bad vibes." Killua said, staring at Irina doting over Korosensei. "She's so attached to the octopus."

"Maybe that's just how she is. I mean we know people who obsess over others." Gon continued watching Irina hugging Korosensei.

"I thought this octopus was smart. It's so obvious she is faking it." Killua said.

Later in the day Irina came and interrupted their gym class. "Yohoo! Hope I'm not interrupting anything darling." Irina said, coming down the stairs with a wide smile.

"You are." Killua said, throwing the Korosensei knife at Irina. It landed on her chest, before falling swiftly to the floor. "So get los-mphh" Korosensei covered Killua's mouth.

"Zoldyck. We don't try to kill our human teachers." Korosensei scolded.

"Mr. Karasuma said you could go mach 20, and I just had to see it with my own eyes." Irina continued over as if nothing had happened, but in reality she was nervous. If that was a real knife she would've been dead.

"Well he may have exaggerated just a tad."

"I'd hate to ask this, but I'd be ever so grateful if you went and fetched me a Vietnamese coffee. I thought I could have it while I ran the students through their English lesson." Killua mocked Irina while she was talking, causing Gon to stifle back a laugh. Korosensei blasted off to get Irina her coffee and as he left, the bell rang.

"Well it's about that time. Ms. Irina." Isogai said. "That's the bell, shouldn't we head back."

"Sure whatever, knock yourself out. Teacher needs peace and quiet though so make it a study hall."

"Wow. Finally showing your true colors. Y'know a real assassin would've already gone in for the kill. Are you even that good?" Killua pestered as he walked toward her. "Why don't we both show our true colors?" Killua walked up to Irina with a sharpened hand. "I could've killed you countless times in this small time frame. Don't get too cocky. You are no assassin compared to me." Irina really got on Killua's nerves. She was approaching this with way too much confidence and severely underestimated her target.

"Yah sure kid. I bet you haven't killed a day in your life." Irina said. Killua was still nothing more than a mere child with good aim to Irina.

"Fine. Believe what you want."

"Let's go Killua!" Gon called out.


"Killua, do you smell that?" Gon asked in the quiet classroom. He was getting bored during the study hall.

"Smell what?"

"The metallic smell. Like bullets. It's ruining the smell of the mountain."

"Hey! Be quiet. This is a study hall."

"You're not teaching though. And I don't want to study!" Gon said.

"Are you even going to teach us Ms. Jelabitch?" One student called out. Irina stood up at the nickname and 'taught' the class how to properly say her name. Though the lesson was short and no benefit came from it.

"We're leaving Ms. Jelabitch." Killua said, standing by the door with Gon. The two waved and walked out of the class. Irina made no attempt to stop them.

Later, during gym class, gunshots start coming from the building. After a few moments of silence, moans start coming from the shed. "Oh no. Do you think Ms. Irina got hurt?" Gon turned towards Killua. Killua blushes slightly and turns away.

"I'm not sure."

"I'm going to go check on her." Gon starts walking towards the shed, but Killua grabs his sleeve.

"" Killua pauses, trying to think of a way to explain the situation. "Do you remember your date with Palm?" Gon nodded. "Do you think Palm would've wanted me to come with you guys."

"No. She probably would've been mad.

"Yah, so Jelabitch is on a date right now, so she would probably be mad if you went to her."

"Ohhh." Gon nods in acknowledgement. As he turns around Karma starts laughing.

"How is he supposed to kill Koro Sensei with that innocence?" Karma gestures towards Gon.

"I have no problem killing Koro Sensei. I've killed before and I'm willing to kill again." Gon says, facing Karma.

"Hey." Nagisa nudges Killua. "Is he being serious?" Killua simply nods, thinking back to the time Gon killed Pitou.

"I've seen it happen." Gon had a dangerous view point when chimera ants were at their peak. He thought of them as less than human, even though these ants had capabilities to show empathy. Killing the ants was like killing a human. Killua shakes his head at the remembrance of the memories. "Every time I think I start to understand Gon's morals, he does something completely out of character." A small chuckle escapes Killua's lips.

"Oh come on. Do you really expect us to believe that Gon killed someone? Do you take us as idiots?" Karma says with a laugh.

"You don't have to believe me." Gon shrugged. There was no point trying to convince someone who doesn't want to believe him. Koro Sensei starts climbing down the small hill separating him and the students with Irina closely behind.

"What has been happening down here?" Koro Sensei asks out of curiosity.

"They don't believe that I killed someone before." Gon stated simply. "They think I don't have it in me. Do you believe me Koro Sensei?" Gon looks up at Koro Sensei with sparkling eyes. No one in their right mind would believe something like that.

"It certainly is a shock." Koro Sensei sweat dropped.

"Ohh..." Gon paused, like he was thinking of something. "I guess people are like that here."

The next day during English class, Irina came in and started writing on the board. A complete switch from what was done the past few days. "You are incredible in bed." She wrote. Gon turns towards Killua and says, "Did you ever use that in any assassination missions?"

"I wasn't one to build a rep-ore with targets." Killua states. Gon nods at the answer.

"I probably wouldn't use something like that either."

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