Chapter 8

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 "Woah, this is a super nice place." Bisky is staying with Gon and Killua while she is here. "I know Cheadle said she secured you guys favorable conditions, but I would've never imagined this." She said as she walked around the penthouse.

"Yah, we're pretty lucky." Killua said, showing Bisky to her room.

"Make sure you two pack. We're leaving tomorrow for the trip." Bisky warned.

"We know that." Killua waved in dismissal while walking out of Bisky's room. Killua started walking towards his room, but stopped upon seeing steam trickle out of Gon's room. Killua peaked in and saw Gon sitting in front of an empty suitcase, steam pouring out of his ears. Killua laughed and entered the room, revealing his presence. "What's happening here?" Gon turned around at the sound of Killua's voice.

"Oh, hi Killua. I'm trying to figure out how many shirts I need. I think I need 24, but I don't think they'll all fit in this suitcase." Killua looked Gon dead in the eyes and sighed.

"We're going to be there for 7 days, why on earth would you need 24 shirts?"

"I knew it was too many, but how many will I need?" Gon looked towards Killua who rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"I'll come over and help you once I'm done packing."

"Really? Thank you!" Gon smiled.

"Gosh, how can someone be so smart, but so stupid at the same time." Killua mumbled on his way out, but got hit by a pillow shortly after his comment.

"I heard that!" Gon yelled.

"Then you know it's true." Killua retorted, making his way to his room.

The Next Day

"Thanks a lot for helping me pack, Killua." Gon said again once they reached the train station with the class.

"That was nice of you Mr. Zoldyck." Karma said. Karma had realized that no one other than the teachers called Killua by his last name. He thought it might get on his nerves, but Killua remained unbothered. He didn't really care what people called him. He would really answer to anything.

"What's with the nickname?" Killua turned to face Karma.

"Just thought it'd get on your nerves." Karma answered truthfully.

"I think the only nickname killua doesn't like is ki—mphh." Gon started to say something and his mouth was quickly covered by Killua's hands.

"You idiot. Don't say a name I wouldn't like to be called. Then he's obviously going to call me that." Karma laughed at the interaction as everyone else started to board the train.


Once on the train, Karma insisted on sitting next to the three hunters. "So your name is Karma?" Bisky asked, polishing a stone.

"It sure is. I must say I was extremely intrigued when Killua told me he was from a different world. So tell me about it. Is it more violent where you're from?"

"People are definitely stronger." Gon said, looking at Karma quizzingly. "Killua told you we're from a different world?" Gon said the question that was on his mind.

"It's not like it's a secret, he asked."

"Kil is right." Killua grimaced at the nickname.

"See what you did now Gon." Killua flicked Gon on the forehead.

"Ouch!" Gon rubbed the part of his forehead that just got flicked. "I didn't think he would actually use that nickname."

"Say, why do you hate the name so much anyway? It seems pretty tame to me." Karma asked, leaning forward slightly.

"It's the nickname my family uses. They are all assholes." Killua crossed his arms, turning to face outside the window.

"Oh? How so?"

"For starters, they want to kill Gon, and they want to force me to live a secluded life at home. And they are just overall assholes, you know the type." Karma simply nodded.

"I'd love to see this world of yours."

"You sure are interested in our world." Bisky notes.

"Of course I am. It's not everyday I get to talk to people from other worlds. Might as well make the most of the opportunity." Karma leaned back into his chair, staring at the three hunters sitting across from him. The train came to a halt. "Welp, guess we're here. Nice talkin' to you guys." Karma said, standing up.

The Next Day

The next day, Gon and Killua spent all day training with Bisky. As expected, Karasuma forbade them from wandering the streets without him or another government agent, so the three were going to get one day to explore the city.

"How are you guys holding up?" Karasuma walked into the room they were training in about half-way through the day.

"We are having an absolutely splendid time." Bisky said, turning away from the two boys who were currently doing push-ups.

"What are you guys doing?" Karasuma said as his gaze shifted towards the boys.

"Just some training. As the boys told you earlier, I trained them for a little bit last year. I'm seeing how much they have progressed over the past year."

"And?" Karasuma questioned.

"Well, Killua's improved slightly. Gon is a few steps back. Probably at the level after I finished training them, but that is to be expected."

"How so?"

"Gon lost his power after being on the verge of death. He's managed to regain his strength albeit not in the most traditional method." Bisky shot Gon a glare.

"I said I was sorry!" Gon said. He had received a huge lecture from Bisky after she found out he went to the dark continent without nen.

"Sorry isn't enough when you could've died. In fact, you have to do 1000 extra pushups."

"Ok!" Gon said, continuing to hammer away at the pushups.

"I'm amazed with their strength." Karasuma said, standing next to Bisky.

"1 in 10000." Bisky said. Karasuma looked at her with a confused look. "Students like them come once in every 10000 people. Immense potential. It's my job to foster that potential. To make sure they go down the right path."

"I commend that."

"And done!" Gon shouted. Killua had finished a little bit ago.

"You're not done. 5000 squats, go!"

A/N:  I'm love writing this story. Unfortunately, I can't find any other acxhxh stories, so if anyone is planning on writing any story like this one, let me know and I would love to read it. I actually enjoy reading any crossover story, so feel free to plug your book if you think I'd enjoy it. I love reading stories I haven't read before. As always, feel free to comment. I love hearing your feedback!

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