[7;; Can we be friends?]

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Rody dragged his bike next to him while walking, and Vincent followed next to him. Vincent was talking about what's happened ever since the incident. Rody stopped every now and then to tighten the ribbon, covering his blank spot where the ear used to be.

"Er... So uh.. How'd you uh... pay for your ear? You know.. to get it patched up?"
Vincent asked, and Rody shrugged.
"It was more of a miracle. I worked for a long while before I could pay."
Rody said.
"I was lucky they accepted installment payment."

He said, and they continued walking.

"What about you? You know... being burnt?"

"Same story."

Rody asked, and Vincent answered.

They both walked next to each other and asked a few questions.
"Do uh... Do you have a new job? Or.." Rody asked, and Vincent nodded.
"Its a long story, but my friend let me work at their cafe as a barista."

Vincent answered, and Rody nodded. Rody explained that he went through a heavy amount of interviews before working at Rotten Apple.

"I can't believe they let you work there. Based on my experience."

Vincent says, and Rody shrugs.

"Look uh... I don't know if you're being genuine. Or just trying to gain my trust to back stab me. But I still don't trust you that much. It's gonna take a while for me to pick if I can trust you."

Rody told Vincent, and Vincent nodded.

"I understand.."

They both walk for a while more until they reach Rodys apartment, and Vincent waves goodbye. Rody walks onto his apartment and leaves his bike by the door, and lays down on his couch. He turned on his side and took a nap.

He wakes up on his couch, except he's in a black void with a spotlight on him. Rody looks around and brushes his other ear with his hand.

"Where am I..."
Rody mumbles and turns around to see Vincent standing a distance away. Rody stares at him and then gets up. He feels a bit wobbly and takes a moment to stand properly.

The area is all void.

He feels uneasy as he walks toward Vince. Eventually, the faint silhouette of words appears around him. Rody takes a deep breath and reads the words around him.

You know he could be using you for all times' sake.

Rody sighs and approaches Vincent. Hesitating at first, he taps Vincent's shoulder.

"Hey uh Vince - ...?"

Rody looks at Vincent, and Vincent turns around. Vincent's face is fire. Rody steps back and stares at Vincent. Vincent falls forward, and the fire spreads all over.

He jerks awake on his couch.

WORDS: 447

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