[5;; Peace]

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Rody rode his bike through the rain until he reached his apartment.

He lays down on his couch and sighs as he brushes some of the rain water off his hair. Suddenly, someone calls him on his telephone on the table.


Rody mutters into the phone, and he hears a familiar voice.

"I still have your number from when you worked at the bistro."

"Just leave me alone."

Vincent was on the other side of the phone, and Rody was already fed up. They argued for about a minute before Rody finally decided to listen to what Vincent had to say.

"Look I am really sorry. I ate your ear. Probably traumatized you for life. But now I've found you and like er. . . I'm sorry."

"You don't need to keep apologizing over and over again."

Rody groaned and rubbed his face with his hand. But he had a ping of guilt.

"You know what. I should be the one apologizing right now. I burnt down your bistro, burnt down your home, and nearly killed you."

He said, and it was silent for a while. He heard Vincent muttering something and then saying something.
"So. . . Do you wanna meet up somewhere?"
Vincent asked, and Rody debated it.
"I guess. Meet you by the fountain after work."

Rody says and hangs up before Vincent could say anything.

He relaxed and lays down on his couch.

Later. . .

It was the middle of the night, and Rody had woken up. He looked around and sighed as he tried to fall asleep.

WORDS: 258

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