Chapter: 5

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Long chapter ahead. please read from start to end without skipping. I have included important back rounds of characters in the middle. Please do read without missing to understand the flow the story and the characters.


"Don't wake her up she might be tired" 

"Oh please, how peacefully she is sleeping, she is so cute"
"Sivu myni, Sivu myni wake up see who's here... your favorite myni is here.... come on butterbread............. hey you just opened your eyes. wake up please"
"Moni leave her, let her sleep"
"Butter... ok then... you continue your beauty sleep"

Sivaangi opened her eyes halfheartedly with so much struggle not wanting to let go of her beautiful sleep. She widened her eyes and they twinkled with joy seeing who was in front of her. Abinaya was smiling widely, looked at Sivaangi lovingly. On either sides of her were Priya and Monika, who was stroking Sivaangi's cheeks with her cute little hands. What a blissful morning to wake up. 

Abi widened her hands and Sivaangi immediately engulfed her in a tight hug. 
"Congratulations Sivu myni. I am so happy for you."
"How are you Abi, I missed you"
"I missed you too. you have become even prettier. " said Abi still in the hug. 
"hey you, don't start your compliments now." Sivaangi left after giving a pat at her back. 
"you never accept it. but you are the prettiest in the family. you have got the most beautiful eyes and a flawless fair skin." commented Abi as always. 

It wasn't a lie and Abi honestly felt Sivaangi as the most beautiful person in and out. 
"okay my sweetie, I am melt. thanks for your complements" smiled Sivaangi as she knew  Abi truly admired her.
"but, of all I love your inner beauty. you have the most beautiful heart" Abi voiced out genuinely.
"look who is saying that? the sweetest soul on earth" Sivaangi replied which earned her another hug from Abi.

They used to have this conversation every time they met. Sivaangi and Abi had a 5 years age gap. Abi was a mature girl like Priya and they both had so much respect on Sivaangi. Priya and Abi were a year apart and were very good friends. 

Their conversation was disturbed when Shwetha barged into the room shouting "machchiiiiii...." and jumped on the bed throwing herself on Sivaangi. Priya and Monika chuckled while Abi made a disgusting face looking at her dramatic sister.
"sister, leave her  and please let her breathe, she just woke up" hurried Abi.

"oh sorry. you people have a problem only with my actions. that's fine.  Machchi congratulations. I told you, you were gonna ace it. and you just kept on worrying about results after writing the exams to top level. am so happy for you. from now onwards you will take official classes for me." blabbered Shwetha non stop and Sivaangi chuckled. 

"thank you for your predictions machchi"... said Sivaangi and that went on for sometimes until they finally left Sivaangi to freshen up. 

Sivaangi had woken up at 4 as usual, finished her prayers and felt sleepy since she had nothing to do. so slept again around 6. 


Ramkumar's family lives at Kandy. It takes an average of 2h to reach their natives from Kandy. But Ramkumar was a fast driver. So it took him barely 1h and 15 min to travel here. 

He was quite fast in everything. Achieved so much at a young age. He works in gynaecology department. His wife Anusha working in nephrology department was always updated with time and supported Ramkumar in everything he put himself into. They owned several lands in many parts of the country. He would buy and sell when the demand increases for the land. He did a car business too and had invested on few other factories. He had his own hospital built which was running successfully employing many other doctors. 

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