𝐗𝐈𝐗. until we meet again.

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( "i'm sorry." )


But this one was different. Instead of the usual dark, endless void, Parker stood amidst the shadows of the Underworld. Or rather, what she imagined was Tartarus. The weight of her decisions bore down on her like a heavy cloak. Her gaze was fixed on flickering flames of red-hot fire, casting an eerie glow across the cavernous pit.

She felt a gust of wind swirl around her, though it felt more like a presence than regular air— somebody's shadow.

"I can feel your hesitation, my dear Parker," Kronos's voice echoed through the shadows, smooth and persuasive. "But you must understand, what we seek is not merely power—it is justice. The gods have long reigned without consequence, their arrogance unchecked."

Parker clenched her fists, torn between her loyalties. She had grown fond of the three kids she travelled across the country with, she didn't know if she was ready to have more people hate her when she was finally on the cusp of having real friends after a year of befriending only their shadows.

The dark mist thickened around Parker, she felt her lungs working overtime to keep her breathing steady. "The gods play with mortals like pieces of a useless game. They are flawed, corrupt in their own ways. Our cause is not for destruction, but for balance. Mortals should not live in fear of their whims."

When Parker didn't reply, the voice pressed on.

"The damage has already been done. I grow stronger with every day. Your dear friend Luke has many allies when it is time for war. I will overthrow the gods. And I have offered you a special place to join me. Without my protection, you will die. You will not live long enough to witness the fall of the Olympians— to witness your own freedom."

Parker felt a chill in her veins as the mist curled around her throat. Her mind raced with conflicting emotions. After everything, Kronos was still right, the gods were beyond flawed, not only as beings... but as parents.

But did they really have to be overthrown for change to happen?

Parker thought of Percy Jackson. She spent a year thinking he was reckless and agitating. But after spending the last week with him she found that he's not only annoying... but brave and loyal.

She wondered if she could change her way of thinking with her father. Maybe he'd take a chance to redeem himself. No gods had much of a relationship with their demigod children, but maybe she could aid in changing that.

A small fraction of her brain told her it was impossible, that the gods had ignored their children for centuries, they were not going to suddenly change now.

Yet another part of her was saying anything was possible. Her mother's voice echoed in the back of her mind, "Comme la lune, nous devons passer par des phases de vide pour nous sentir à nouveau entiers."

Like the moon, we must go through phases of emptiness to feel whole again. Parker wondered if this was a part of the dark phase, a phase that ended in a lighter outcome.

Maybe the gods wouldn't change, but it was worth a shot to fight for a better life, right?

The mist twirling around her was growing more chaotic. Parker could sense the anger radiating from the dark. "... Just— just leave me... alone." She choked out the words.

𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐔𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘,  percy jacksonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang